Chapter 23: Returning home

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So I was gone on holidays and I visited SriLanka (a really amazing country if you enjoy beaches) therefore I couldn't update. I just c ame back yesterday :D
If some of you guys are confused on whats going on, just message me I'll explain.
Oh and this continues after 3 years!

Michael’s Pov.

3 years later

I stepped out the airport, the wind blowing my hair off my face. Home sweet home.

It had been three years and I was done with Military school. It was defiantly not as bad as I thought it would be.

I didn’t have my drunk father there to scowl at me, or high school kids label me and the best part was there were no girls there so I didn’t have most of the female population like at my old school begging me.

The only thing missing there was Sam. I missed her so much, every time we were allowed to leave for vacations I would think of visiting her but had no idea how I would face her so instead I would visit Terry.

Speaking of Terry, I scanned the crowd to spot him and noticed a familiar face busy chatting to someone. The last time I saw him was six months ago and He did seem different. He had blue highlights here and there in his hair and seemed a bit more mature then old Terry. He even seemed to have gotten taller.

“Michael!” He gushed as he saw me staring at him intently. He made his way over grabbing me in a hug. “Welcome back buddy.” I mumbled a thanks looking at the red head who stood behind him.

“Oh Michael this is Chris, my boyfriend and Chris this is Michael my cousin.”

I raised my eyebrow at Terry wondering when they started dating. “We met each other at collage.” He said answering my unsaid question. I nodded in understanding before he lead me to the car.

“I brought your car, thought you’d might wanna see your babe” He said tossing the keys at me. It was exactly the same like it was three years ago with the same black paint, shinning on its body and the caramel coloured interiorstanding out.

“I thought that asshole would have sold it” I said getting into the driver’s seat. “Nah, I took it over to my place when you left, I know how much this car means to you.” Terry said while putting on his seatbelt.

“Oh and can be go to west avenue? We need to drop Chris off.” He turned around and gave Chris a smile you smiled back with too much affection for my comfort.

Ten minutes later we arrived at a very familiar place although I had completely forgotten the directions I remembered coming here.

Terry got out to walk Chris to his house but that wasn’t it, they made out like they’d never seen again causing me to cringe and turn around but that’s when I saw her.

Very familiar hair, the same coloured eyes and body shape. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she came out of her hose and walked towards the silver BMW that waited at her porch. She wasn’t dressed like a geek but instead more elegantly.

She wore a white shirt which stopped at her thigh and black jeans which went perfectly. Her hair was in a high bun but what surprised me the most was that she had a pair of heels on. She never wore heels!

But what caught me off guard was the person who cam out the BMW to greet her with a kiss.

Connor grabbed her from her waist pulling her closer and Sam hugged him back. He smiled at her while taking her hand and walking her to her house.

I heard the car door slam shut and broke my daze from he beautiful face.


“Yes Michael?” He asked with that stupid smile still on his face.

He gazed at Chris who waved at him. “I recognize this place.”

“Uhum..” He was too busy blowing kisses at Chris.

“Terry, this is Sam’s neighborhood.” That defiantly caught his attention causing him to snap his head in my direction.

“You remember her?” He whispered. “Nooo.’’ I said sarcastically. “Of course I remember her! I think I like her even more Terry.” I whispered the last part.

“Okay, so we are going to visit her tonight.” I stared at him like he was an complete idiot.

“Terry, I can’t just disappear one day and come back after three years.” He nodded in understanding but suddenly his face lit up. “That’s it! We contact Chandler.”

“Chandler?” “Yeah remember? The red head-”

“Terry I remember who she is! I mean Chandler as in do you think She’d help?”

“I’m positive she’d help. Now come on, let’s go to my apartment. I cleaned out a room for you to stay because I doubt you’d like to stay with daddy dearest and maybe later we can go look for some collage or university?” He asked with hope in his eyes.

“I’ll think about it.” Was all I said before I drove off but not before giving a last glace at where the couple stood by the window of the living room, kissing each other.

“Michael!” I heard a very feminine scream come from Terry’s living room.

I popped my head out the room to see Chandler standing in the door way with loads of shopping bags in her hand. She looked different.

Her clothing was disturbing, she showed off too much skin and her hair was overdone not to mention she was caked with makeup. I raised my eyebrow at her and as soon as she spotted me she came running in while kicking the door closed and threw the bags in a random direction before she launched herself at me. I stared ahead in horror. She even weighed nothing!

“You came back!” She shouted. I nodded, slightly moving back.

“Um Chandler,” I pointed at her clothes. “Oh umm..” She nervously scratched the back of her neck, “I work at the club down the street, my parents were short on money and I didn’t have enough to get into university so I needed a job.” She looked down at her feet in embarrassment.

“It can’t be that bad…” I tried to comfort her. She silently whipped a tear away, “Michael you have no idea…. These past years so much has happened. Its horrible Michael, my parents kicked me out, I live with this perverted guy in the building next to yours and Sam and Connor are engaged, Braiden is a drug addict and-”

“Wait! Sam and Connor are engaged?!” She nodded while whipping all the tears that had fallen, off her face. “They dated for three years and they got engaged a month back. Michael I don’t even know why their dating! You and her are meant to me!”

“Is she happy with him?” I was dreading the answer.

“I’m not sure, I never asked her, but your back now!”

“Chandler can we visit her tonight?” I asked with hope.

“Of course Michael, but first I have to change out of these, these hideous things!”

I laughed at her remembering what teenage Chandler looked like. She looked like a proper women now. So did Sam, but that didn’t matter, what mattered was that she wasn’t single anymore.

She was Connor’s fiancé was what mattered….

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