Chapter 3: The speed Demon

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I didn't plan on going along with this. But he didn't need to know that.

 No way was I spending my time with Michael.


"Deal." She whispered to me.

Her soft hand was shaking mine firmly. And that was when I knew that military school wasn't of any worry. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, I have to get going now and we can begin-" She started, when I frowned and cut her off.

"What? How about we begin tonight. Word is that Mr. M might be giving a pop quiz within the next two weeks."

"I don't remember anyone saying that there might be a pop quiz." She protested, always the know-it-all. I scoffed.

"You're a Junior and I'm a senior. I'm pretty sure that our classes are a bit different. So you need to start right away."

"Believe it or not, I have a family that will wonder where I am." Sam said venomously.

She was lying of course, and I could tell. The way her voice wavered on the word parents.I pulled out my cell phone, and handed it to her.

"Call your parents and let them know where you're going." I said, flashing her my best smile.

No way was my ticket away from military school getting away.

Even for a day.

** Sam's P.O.V.**

"Believe it or not, I have a family that will wonder where I am." I was surprised by the level of venom I could conjure into my voice. And I was completely lying.

My parents were away on business trips for so long, they forgot about me. They didn't even tell me when they would be home or not.

I usually got a sticky note that told me where they had gone and a number to call in case of an emergency.

He pulled out a sleek silver phone from his jacket pocket.

"Call your parents and let them know where you're going." He said with a charming smile. A manipulative, charming smile.

"Fine." I hissed as I pulled the phone away and quickly dialed my own house number. There was no getting away from him.

I was greeted by my own voice saying

'Hi, This is the home of Sam, Carl, and Jennifer Rivera. Please leave a message and we'll get back to ya!' 
I laughed fakely. "Yeah mom, I'm totally okay. I'm gonna go tutor one of my students. Be back about eight o'clock. Spaghetti for dinner? Yeah, cool. I love you mom. Bye." I said to the answering machine.

I shut the phone and handed it back to him.

"Thanks. She would have been really worried if I didn't come home." Man, did I sound fake and he knew it.

He hid his sympathy, but I could see it in his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows, and finally took my arm and smiled.

"C'mon, my car is this way."

Could I run away and hide before he forced me to go with him? Probably not, he looked a lot more fit than I did.

I was too tired to fight with him at this point. I felt my face redden as I saw people in the parking lot point and whisper at us.

I realized how weird this must look to an outsider and I blushed even more. People would think we are an odd couple. He saw me staring at the people who were whispering and pointing at us.

He rolled his eyes.

"Don't pay any attention to them, I don't. And if they had a life, they would be living it instead of talking about ours!" He said the last part loud enough for the people to hear.

I laughed as the people glared.

Michael's confident was probably the only thing that I could envy of his.

"This," He said motioning to a sleek black sports car, "Is my ride." I gawked.

"Wow. It's beautiful." I said, thinking of my own minivan.

Michael opened up the door to the passenger seat, taken by surprise I moved backed and gawked up at him. Was he getting something out of the passenger seat?

"Do you need an invite to get you in the car?" I thanked him, and he slid into the drivers side. Atleast he had some manners.

And then he revved the engine and let off a crazy laugh.


** Michael's P.O.V.**
I like driving. Fast.

"Slow down! Please!" Sam screamed, holding onto the dashboard for dear life.

I laughed like a maniac. Which made her close her eyes.

I pulled into my driveway, watching Sam's scrunched up, terrified face.She had a very cute face when you looked closely. The sun shined directly on her, making her brown hair sparkle. Her face glowed, she didn't look so much of a nerd right now.

And somehow my heart started beating extra fast. So suddenly, my breath hitched in my throat.

What the hell is wrong with me. Just because she looked a little less nerdy, didn't mean I found her attractive.

"Are you done yet, speed demon?" She mocked, hesitantly opening her eyes.

Her voice shook me out of the weird thoughts I was having.

No way in hell could I think that this geek could be attractive. In any way.

"Yeah, get out." I said rudely, my thoughts making me defensive.She glared at me through her thick lenses, and slammed the car door.

No, this stupid little girl wasn't attractive, I must have been blinded by the sun for a moment. 

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