Chapter XXX

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We ran into the building thoroughly drenched. My teeth were chattering, and my legs were quivering. My knuckles were white, and I was sure my lips were blue. My ears and nose were numb, and every hair on my body was erect. Anyone who saw me would have thought I was a walking corpse if it weren't for the large grin plastered on my face.

James pulled me in for a hug, but I gently pushed him away.

"You're wet, I'm wet."

The side of his lips twitched upwards. "I don't blame you."

I smacked his arm. "As much as I want to stay with you, I need to change. I hate wet clothes."

He frowned. "That makes the two of us."

Cue the innuendo.

"My room or yours?" I grinned at him seductively.

"You crack too many sex jokes for a virgin."

"Does it bother you?"

He rolled his eyes. "Meet me in my room in half an hour."

I went to the girls' dormitory and headed to my room. I studied myself in the mirror. I was blushing furiously. My lips were slightly swollen, and my hair was messed up. My mind was racing at two thousand miles per hour. I'd just made out with my best friend in the rain. All the feelings I'd suppressed for so long were slowly coming to the surface. I couldn't even comprehend the thought. My hormones were going crazy. My emotions were all over the place. I didn't know how to react. I could tell my tears were happy ones. My state of shock was slowly turning into one of euphoria.

James and I. We were finally a thing.

I quickly showered and changed into something good. I did my hair up in a messy bun, and put on a thin layer of makeup. I wasn't dressing up for James, but for the party in the evening. I was going to drag his butt there whether he liked it or not.

James was patiently waiting for me in his room. I walked in and his face broke into a grin.

"Hey there."

I leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the nose. "We're going to the party this year whether you like it or not."

He whined in protest. "Fine. But I'm only doing this for you."

The party was in the cafeteria as usual, and that meant risking the rain again. Thankfully, it was no more than a drizzle, so an umbrella offered enough protection.

When got there, half the crowd had already shuffled in. I spotted the whole gang in a corner. None of them knew about James and I yet.

"Should we tell them?" He asked, as we approached them.

"Nah. We'll let them figure it out."

Walking in hand in hand was probably what gave us away. We weren't even within earshot and April's face broke into a huge grin. She hit Isaac's arm, who grinned too. He took out his wallet and handed a five-dollar bill to Shane.

"So, it's finally happening!" Peyton squealed in delight as we joined them. I nodded slowly.

"Yes it is."

I ignored the knowing smirk Ryan was giving me. Both Peyton and Phoebe threw their arms around James. Shane winked at me, before turning around and screaming on the top of his lungs, "Hey, listen up! James and Valerie are together!" Subtlety wasn't his MO.

The crowd hooted and cheered. Someone even yelled, "Finally!" just as I buried my red face in James' shoulder.

"We want details!" The other four girls grabbed me and took me to a corner.

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