Chapter XXV

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James and I'd somehow managed to finish our English assignment without making things awkward. We'd spent a whole evening together completing that stupid project, and not once did things go south. We also couldn't keep our hands off each by making contact at every possible chance, but that was another thing.

"Alright, everyone, please hand in your reports." Mr. Cummings was patiently waiting for us to hand in our reports. I was the first one at his desk.

"Miss Valentine and Mr. Callahan," he said, ticking our names off the list. "Hopefully you'll have the same last name in another ten years," he mumbled under his breath. I had no idea which was redder, my face or my hair.

"What's wrong?" asked James, as I sat down on the seat next to him.

"Huh? Nothing."

He looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything. Things were just getting back to normal. The last thing we needed was a fight.

"So, uh, are you free after this?"

"I'm afraid not. I've got to go get my sister's birthday gift. Is it something important?"

He scratched his head. "Uh, not really. I just thought maybe we could hang out or watch a movie or something."

I blushed. I was pretty sure that James was asking me out.

"Do you want to come with me?" I asked hopefully.

His face lit up. "I don't mind."

I smiled. "Great. I'll go get change out of my uniform and see you in fifteen minutes."

I quickly ran to my room and changed out of my clothes. For the first time in my life, I actually thought about what I was going to wear while hanging out with James. It's not like he would mind if I came dressed in an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, but I wanted to look good for him.

I put on a pair of leggings and a white top. I tied my hair up into a loose braid and wore my Vans. I hoped I didn't look too overdressed.

I walked out of the North Wing and saw James waiting for me. His face broke into a grin when he saw me.

"Hey. You ready?"

I nodded and followed him. Over the holidays, James had learned how to drive and got a licence. That was pretty convenient, seeing as we didn't have to spend money on a taxi. We got into his vintage Comet and drove down to the mall. Since it was a weekday, the mall was pretty empty. There were just a few people roaming around.

James turned to me. "So, what do you want to get her?"

"That is actually a very good question." I hadn't really thought about what I wanted to get her since there was always someone else my mind. "Maybe a bag or something. She's into those."

We went from shop to shop looking for the right one. Finally, I found a cute grey backpack in Urban Outfitters which was in my budget. I quickly paid for it and we headed to the car park.

The garage was huge and empty. James had parked his car near the entrance, so we didn't have to walk a lot. As we approached the car, we saw a bunch of college boys leaning against it. They had bottles of alcohol in one hand and cigarettes in the other.

"Oh, great," James mumbled under his breath. He cleared his throat to get their attention. "Do you mind moving?"

The biggest of the lot, who was large and muscular, stepped forward. "Piss off, kid." His friends came and stood behind him.

James didn't flinch. "Please just move. It's getting late, and we have to get home."

The big dude looked at me and smiled. "Does your mother know you're out late with a boy?"

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