Chapter XVI

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It took me a few days to recover from my illness. After nights of shivering and sweating and puking and not eating, I was finally alright. But now I had a new problem: Prom.

Prom, or the Winter Formals, was always held in December every year, just before we left home for Christmas. Grade 10 was the first year we were actually allowed to attend prom. Most girls were excited, but I was dreading it.

I had been afraid of prom practically my whole life. I knew I'd never get a date, and that terrified me. All of my friends would have partners, and I'd be the one left alone forever. To make things worse, I'd also be the ugliest person in the room (excluding Denise, of course). I could be the richest person in the goddamn universe, but I'd still never find a dress in which I looked good.

Finding a date was probably the hardest thing on the planet. If the situation were different, I would've asked James to go with me. I had another person in mind, but I knew exactly what his answer would be.

I stood a few metres away from the court, contemplating my decision. I didn't have the guts to do it. I turned around and almost walked away but then I turned back again. I was going to do this. I mean, the worst he could say is 'no', right?

Shane stopped dribbling the ball when he saw me.

"Hey, Val. What's up?"

"I need to ask you something."

"Okay. Go ahead."

I nervously tugged at the sleeves of my sweater. This was a really bad idea, but I wasn't going to turn back now. I bit my lower lip, and with all the courage I could muster, I asked, "Will you go to prom with me?"



Peyton, Phoebe, April, and Ryan were looking at me expectantly.

"He said he'll think about it," I sighed.

"So, that's good, right?" said Peyton.

"Oh, please. Everyone knows that's the secret code for, 'I don't want to but I'm too nice to say no.' "

"No it's not."

"Actually, she's right," said Ryan, "Sorry."

"Who're you going with?" I asked him.

"Elaine Rivers. She wants to make her ex-boyfriend jealous."

"So, everybody's got a date except me."

"Looks like it."

April hit his arm. "Don't say that. You'll find someone."

I gave her her a small smile. "Thanks."

Mikaela and James joined us.

"Hey guys," said Mikaela, sitting down next to Ryan, causing him to flinch.

"Girls," said Phoebe, "what're we go in to do about our dresses?"

"We could go today itself," said Mikaela, "it's a Saturday."

"Yeah, I could drive us down," said April."

I exchanged looks with Peyton. I could see she wanted to to go, so I agreed. "Yeah okay."

"Alright," said Ryan, "you gals have fun."

James kissed Mikaela on the cheek, which caused both Ryan and me to glare at them.

We walked to April's sleek, black Merc. It was a convertible, but driving with the hood down was not a bright idea, given the weather conditions. We helped her put the sunroof down.

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