Chapter 5

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            Your eyes shot open and a tense breath which you had been holding in, leaves your body as you hear the faint 'beep beep' of the electronic version of your heart.

              You realised that you were sticky with sweat and your whole body was badly trembling which was the result of the after effects of the fluctuating shocks. You tried to calm your body down by taking deep breaths. With a few moments, it actually works.

        You turn your head to the side and you see Luke strapped on the white tilted hospital bed, dressed in a white paper suit, just like how you were.

           You could see his eyes were clamped shut, tears silently making their way down and his lips quivering. You felt his emotions flow through with immense strength which was because of the distance between you two.

        Since you had the soul mate bond shared with him, you could feel everything he feels and vice versa. And because of that, you felt sorry for him and wanted to comfort him, be by his side.

        But you were too weak to get up and not to forget, you were clipped on to the instruments and strapped to the bed which you knew you could easily break if your energy hadn't been wasted in screaming in agony.

          "Luke!" You whisper urgently. He opens his eyes gently and turns his head to you, responding to your voice.

          His glassy blue eyes looked like they were going to burst into another downpour and you could see the guilt he carried in them. "I'm so sorry, Luv... I didn't know I was leading them to you..." He let out in his husky tired voice as he sobbed, apologizing for everything that just happened.

           He knew it was his fault but you could not let him blame himself.

          At one point it was your fault too. You shouldn't have separated. Just because you did, you had no one to get help from.

            If you had each other, you would have enough trust to rely on each other blindfolded. You were built that way. That you both were to be each other's crutches. Plus that was how much trust and love was spent only between the two of you.

         Also you knew how much he hated seeing him helpless as he always imagined to be your knight in shining armours. He hated seeing you this way, hurt and broken but now that the situation was placed in front of you two, you really couldn't help it.

           "Shhh!!! It's ok!!!... It's not really your fault..." You tried consoling him but the tears began to roll down faster, staining his handsome face, which pierced your innocent heart. It was really making you uncomfortable and all you wanted to do was take him in your arms and comfort him that everything is gonna be alright.

         "Not my fault? The reason you are even being here is me. Because I came searching for you..." He reasoned, his voice sounding as if he was in grave pain. And it was really hurting you.

         You hated seeing him breakdown like that and it has happened only once before. You thought you would never have to see that again. But you were proved wrong.

           With a little time, he quietened down, after you tried to coo him to calm down. "Now tell me why didn't you take that liquid?" You ask gently as you were curious about it. "I wasn't ready to let you go." He admitted softly and you realised that the separation between the two of you had only made the love and the attraction grow stronger.

           That with time, he would be unable to live in the pain of being apart from you and soon he wouldn't be able to bear it and come flocking towards you. You had already taken the medicine so the bond didn't affect you as you had forgotten everything about your previous life.

        "So you couldn't do it for our safety? For us able to finally live a normal life?" Your voice holds on softly. "I guess I could but I wasn't able to..." "Why?" Your voice had risen in tone at all and you couldn't help but understand him.

         Cause you know eventually if you were in place of him, you would have done the same. Because he loved you and he couldn't let go of that easily.

         "Because you are my only hope... You know me that I can't live a life without hope... If I had taken that vile liquid, I would have forgotten everything including you... And if I live a life without my hope, I would die... And with me, you would die too... And I don't think I wanted you to go through all that..."

         Ah, the stupid bond! If one of you by chance dies, the other half would feel pain in extremes and the detachment would make them so depressed that they would eventually die in a very painful manner, creating a huge havoc in the world.

         "You know, right? Because we are soul mates... I feel everything what you feel..." And you gave a small nod. You felt exactly the same and you knew enough to understand that. And it answered the final question you had in mind.

           In these two years, when you didn't know anything about your past, you had gone through an intense change of feelings, like they weren't your own as you had nothing to initiate them in the first place.

          "It's ok... We will escape again..." You soothe him with your soft-spoken words and a convincing smile even though you aren't sure if you could come up with a fool proof plan like the last time where you still had to pay the price. He just shook his head.

        "That was just another test... They wanted to see how long we could live without each other until we meet again... The liquid was just a part of pure coincidence..."

         What? Was he serious? So the life you have been living was just another lie you thought was a chance of the reality of a normal life you could be living? Just another test? Just another lie? Was it even possible for two innocent human beings that have been pushed into experimenting could actually live desired normal lives?

         You both were considered as freaks. That was all you were classified as. Nobody cared for the two of you. And with that you both only had each other.

       Even though you both were told that you were destined to be martyrs in the name of your country, none of you wanted it.

       Neither Luke nor you couldn't bear the torture. Nor could either of you bear the testing done or the monotony taking place in your lives. You both only wanted normal lives filled with love. Was that hard to get?

          Even human hearts don't have enough humanity to feel what you both were going through.

           You didn't realise the tears were rolling down your pale-stricken cheeks until Luke's voice began to ring in your ears. You focused your attention on him and you saw him apologizing again and again, trying to get your forgiveness.

       "I'm so sorry. I really am." He went on sobbing and it was really hurting you, seeing him like this. "Please! Please don't cry!" You begged.

          He bit his lip and nods, trying to control his tears. "It's ok! You know we always get through. We have each other, right?" He nods again, quite helplessly.

       Suddenly two scientists came in. One attended to him, the other to you, blocking your view of Luke which has comforted you through your confusion.

       "Luke! Luke! What's happening?" You asked frantically as the male bald scientist picks up your arm and injects a pale yellowish serum into your body.

         "Calm down! You know we always get through..." He murmured drowsily, loud enough me to hear. I began to feel really drowsy. The whole world began to spin and my surrounding was becoming really blurry.

      With much effort, you try to keep your eyes open but you hear Luke's voice. "Don't fight it, Love..." And you gave in the induced drug, having no clue of its harmful effects on either of you. Everything becomes black and you welcome it.

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