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New chapter for you and by the way there is one more chapter before the epilogue.

yeah, the book is coming to an end but there will be a new book coming up after this.

enjoy and don't forget; Vote and Comment.



She found it hard to open her eyes, she struggled to open her eyes but her eyelids felt too heavy for her to open them. She tried to open her mouth to at least tell him that she loved him too, that she had already forgiven him for everything, she wanted to hug him and tell him that everything was going to be okay, she hated that he came over every single day, asking for her forgiveness and telling her that he loved her, what hurt the most was when he talked about the children but she couldn't respond.

She thought of all the things she wanted to do and she had had enough, she wanted to wake up from whatever this was, she could hear him, she could even feel the pain behind his words but no matter what she did she couldn't move or do anything.

"Please Cara, you need to wake up, I really miss you, the kids too, please, please," he trailed off then she felt tear drops on her hand. She just wanted to wipe them... HOLD ON!!! She felt his tear! She felt something, in all the time she had been in this state she had not felt anything but she felt his tears! She felt like smiling, and when she tried to, she felt her face twitch, then she tried moving her hand.

Zander looked at her and saw her lips move and he froze, in all the time she had been in a coma, she had not shown any signs of moving or improvement. Suddenly he felt her fingers move, first it was barely there and he thought he might have imagined it but then he felt it again a little stronger this time and he knew for sure that he was not imagining it.

"Cara? Are you awake?" he got no response, "move your hand if you can hear me," he felt her hand move again and felt as if he was going to scream for joy

"Squeeze my hand if you really understand me," Zander said enthusiastically, but he felt nothing for a while and his smile slowly started to drop when he looked at their hands and saw her fingers immobile but when her looked up again he saw her eyelids moving.

"Come on you can do it," Zander said smiling and placing a hand on her forehead then on her eyelids in a bid to help her


Cara struggled to open her eyes and she felt him trying to help her and she slowly managed to open them and then quickly shut them due to the bright light in the room, she felt Zander move away from her and she saw the light in the room reduce as she heard him closing the curtain then move back beside her.

"Come on, you can open them again, I closed the curtains," she heard him say and could hear the smile in his voice. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed that indeed the light in the room was not as bright and didn't hurt her eyes as much, she moved he head to the side and almost gasped as she stared at the gorgeous baby blue eyes that always seemed to take her breath away every time. She smiled at him.

"Hey you," Zander said smiling down at the woman that had turned his life upside down, he stared at her eyes, the eyes that he loved so much. Just then the nurse walked in.

"Oh hey she woke up! She actually woke up!" she exclaimed as she rushed into the room. Zander looked at the nurse who had been taking care of Cara for the past few months.

"Yeah. She finally decided to let me see beautiful brown eyes that I love so much," Zander said looking at his wife with a tender smile.

This made Cara's pale skin get a little red. The nurse smiled at her and pressed the button to summon the doctor who walked in just before she could press it, he had been coming for his rounds.

"Oh my!! Looks like sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up!" The doctor said smiling at his patient, he was come to be fond of Zander due to the amount of affection he had shown his comatose wife even after everything. Yes Zander had told the doctor all about what had happened and the doctor had come to consider Zander as a son.

Zander looked at the doctor and smiled. He really owed the doctor for all he had done for him this past three months.

"Well we need to check her and see how she is,"

"okay, I will go and call everyone and tell them that our sleeping beauty is awake.

Paul was in the kitchen talking to Isabella and Annabelle as they fed the kids when he received a call from Zander which was odd because he almost never called since the accident had happened.


"Hey Paul, I called to tell you that she is awake.."

"What? When?"

"She woke up a few minutes ago, the doctor is with her at the moment," Zander said and Paul could help but notice the happiness in his son-in-law.

He hang up after a few more minute and turned around where he almost had a heart attack at the sight the found, the two grandmothers had somehow already gotten ready for the trip to the hospital and had creepy grins on their faces.

"Jesus!! Do you women want to give me a heart attack? And how did you even get the children ready that fast?" Paul said taking a step back from the women.

"It's our little secret, now can you take us to see Cara?" Annabelle said smiling cheekily at Paul.

"How did you... you know what don't answer that... never mind," Paul said and turned leading the ladies out the door.


hope you guys liked it. please comment and vote.

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