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It was now two days after she had had her babies and she was to be discharged that afternoon, so she was busy preparing her things and those of her babies. She still couldn't believe she was expecting twins. Annabelle walked into the room smiling at her.

"Come on honey, it's time to go. I managed to get you out earlier than expected. Perks of working here," Anna said giving her a cheeky wink making Cara laugh and stand from her position beside the crib and sitting on the wheelchair waiting for Annabelle to hand her the babies who were still taking their nap before they woke up screaming out their hunger. Damn those kids had quite a set of lungs.

Annabelle pushed her out of the room so that they could go finish up her clearance before leaving. Cara just wanted to go home and sleep on her comfortable bed. She just wished that she was able to share this responsibility and these precious moments with Zander. Her dad was coming that day to meet his grand babies for the first time because that was the day that he was able to get his days of, so he was coming to stay with her for about two weeks.

Flashback: two hours after the babies were born

"Hello daddy" Cara spoke into the phone smiling.

"Hello sweet, how are you doing?" Paul asked and she could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm better than good, I'm ecstatic daddy" she said excitedly but quietly because she didn't want to wake up the little sleeping bundles.

"What has you so happy Cara?"

"Guess what, you're a grandpa!!!"

"Wow!!!! Already? My little buttercup finally decided to come out!! I'm going to come in two days to meet him" Cara could hear the joy in her father's voice.

"Oh no! No! It's not just a him daddy!!"

"What!!! You are telling me that I have more than one?" Paul just couldn't hide his joy.

"Yes daddy. I have a little boy and girl," Cara said feeling tears well into her eyes as she stared at the babies in the crib, who were beginning to stir getting ready to wake up.

"I have to go dad. The little munchkins are waking up..." she did even finish her sentence before loud cries filled the room, "that's my cue" she said laughing.

"you better feed them sweet, I'll see you in two days"

End of flashback

Anna left her, and went to get the forms that she needed to sign before she was free to go.

Annabelle had finished the work and was pushing Cara out of the room when Cara remembered that she had forgotten some of her staff the bathroom of her room. Anna left her by the reception desk and went to get them.

Cara was looking at her sleeping son who was a carbon copy of his father; his lips, ears, hair and what stood out most were his eyes, and he had the same shade of blue as his father. Her daughter Rose looked like both of them; she had her father's lips and nose with her mother's eyes and hair.

She sighed looking up and froze, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, her breath hitched when their eyes connected.




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HER ITALIAN BABY...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora