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Zander managed to catch her before she hit the ground. He turned to the reporter who had startled Cara and gave him a cold glare before asking him what his name was and what agency he worked for. The reporter paled and stuttered out his name and where he worked.

"Well Brad, you and your agency will be hearing from me soon enough, when I'm done with you, you will be sorry for what just happened," Zander said coldly before heading to the waiting vehicle leaving a pale Brad standing frozen looking at his back. Zander carefully got in with Cara still in his hands. He placed her on his lap before giving his driver the go-ahead and drive. He ran his hand through her hair and called her name willing for her to wake up.

He was looking out the window when he felt her groan. He looked at her and saw her slowly open her eyes.

"What happened?" Cara asked looking up at him.

"A reporter startled you and you fainted, I managed to catch you before you could fall and really hurt yourself" Zander answered smiling softly at her when she blushed.

"Oh! I'm not really used to being the center of attention, I guess being in the limelight was a shock to the system. But I guess I'll have to get used to it.." she said quietly looking up at him.

"Yes love," Zander said looking at her sadly, "I'm sorry that I can't do anything to stop this because this is my life, I will try to keep you away from the limelight but there are times you will have to try and cope with it."

"It's okay Zander I know that you can't help it, I will have to adjust to your way of life," she said smiling up at him. It was that smile that made his heart beat in a weird way. He slowly leaned in and gave her a soft and tender kiss.

She kissed him back and she was feeling as if she would have a heart attack because of how fast her heart was beating. She felt something poking her and she started wiggling this caused Zander to make a weird sound and place hands on her waist to stop her from moving around but she didn't seem to understand this she continued wiggling trying to get comfortable.

"Please stop moving," Zander said in a strained voice making her look up and she saw the expression on his face as that of pain.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she tried turning to have a better look at his face, this made his hands tighten on her waist and she face contort into an unexplainable expression.

"Yeah, am okay just please stop wiggling," Zander said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before releasing it and opening his eyes. She noticed his eye were slightly dilated and a bit darker than their normal baby blue.

"Then why do you look like you are uncomfortable and what is poking my..... ooooh!!!" Cara trailed off blushing furiously as her brain finally registered what was really happening.

"Yeahhhhhhh" Zander said smirking at her as he also noticed that she realized what was happening. She quickly scrambled off his lap almost falling down and sat down. She looked at him and they both burst out laughing.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe that just happened," Cara said laughing so hard that there were tears in her eyes, "I think that fainting was not good for my brain!"

When she stopped laughing she realized that Zander had stopped laughing and was smiling fondly at her. She looked at him, he was really creeping her out.

"Hey what's with the smile?"

"I just realized that you have a very beautiful laugh and a slight dimple on your cheek," Zander said still smiling at her before giving her a peck on her forehead. She blushed brightly at this.

They arrived at the house and Zander introduced her to the butler, James, she blushed when he smiled at her as she remembered the day of her walk of shame, when she asked him to show her to the front door.


Cara had noticed that she was not losing the weight as she had hoped and that she was craving things that she had never before eat before, she also noticed that her breasts were bigger and tender as they usually were when she was having her periods. She froze at that thought. HER PERIODS!!!! She was late and not just late she was two months late, she was never late. NEVER!. At that realization she felt herself pale.

She quickly got dressed and rushed out of the house and headed to the hospital where she visited her doctor, she was due for a check that day anyways, how convenient!. She was lucky to find that one appointment had canceled and so she was told to wait. She was so tense that she started feeling dizzy, just before she could drive herself to a panic attack her name was called.

"Hey Cara, it's been a while," Dr. Eva said smiling softly at her.

"Hey doc, I think I might be pregnant," Cara blurted out panicking, she was very close to hyperventilating!

"Hey! Hey! you need to calm down, if you are indeed pregnant, stress isn't good for you and your baby. So please calm down." Eva advised as she helped her do some breathing exercises. "Why don't we do the test and know for sure."

The wait for the results had been one of the longest and most tense moment of her life, forget the day she was to meet Zander for the rehearsal dinner. When the results came in, Cara felt as if she was going to faint the moment the doctor opened them.

"Congratulations Cara, you are about eight weeks pregnant," Eva said smiling softly.

Cara didn't know what to feel, because she didn't know how Zander would react but then she remembered during one of the conversations they had had during their honeymoon, after everything had been sorted between them, he had said that he would love to have kids someday. She looked at Dr. Eva and smiled brightly.

"Well let's do the ultrasound and see the little peanut," Dr. Eva said and began setting up the equipment. She lay down on the examination table and she hissed when she felt the cold gel on her stomach. She glared at the doctor who smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry forgot to warn you about the gel. Next time I'm going to warm it up a bit," Eva told her while she started moving the scanning thingy around. ( I don't remember what it's called). Suddenly the room was filled with a low thumping sound and Cara looked up at the screen and the doctor pointed at a small shape on the screen.

"This right here is you little baby and that is the sound of the heartbeat," Cara stared at the screen and felt tears run down her cheeks as she looked at the screen.

"Could you please print several copies for me?" she said after the doctor finished wiping off the gel with some paper towels. The doctor gave her the ultrasound and they made the next appointment.

HER ITALIAN BABY...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ