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The past six months had been hell, he had fire a whole load of secretaries because they all were either incompetent or just wanted to get into his pants or he just didn't like them, he had moved from the somewhat approachable boss he once was to a boss that everyone was scared of. He was always irritable and finding even the smallest of mistake led to firing. He had fired one of his secretaries because she forgot to shut the door behind her after bringing in some files.

He always went to get his own coffee, after what had happened the last time with Lisa he didn't want anyone handling his coffee. He after not being able to find Cara, he had drowned himself in his work and when he was not working; he was always in the gym. His mother had stopped calling him over for dinner and was now living in his house because she was worried about his behavior.

"Hey man, why are you still here it's almost eleven," Zack asked as he walked in.

"What are you doing here?" Zander asked looking up from what he was doing though not making any move that he was surprised at the time.

"I was driving by when I saw the light on your floor on, you know you are the only one who is at work, right?" Zack was getting really worried about his friend.

"No I'm not, the security is at work," Zander said trying to make a joke.

"I know that but you are not security Zander, you never go out anymore, you are ruthless with your employees, I mean in the last six months you have fired more secretaries than the agency can count, Zander I'm really worried about you," Zack said looking at Zander who was back to looking at his computer.

"I'm fine Zack, you need to stop worrying yourself about me," Zander said looking up at him making Zack give a loud sigh. It was always the same thing.

"By the way do you remember we are bound for California next week? About that Charity event." Zack told Zander.

"Yeah, how can I forget, it's what mom has been talking about for the past two months, she is almost driving me nuts" Zander said making Zack laugh because he knew Isabella Morreti, behaved when she was excited about something.

"Don't laugh, when they are together with Elisabeth I feel like I will cry, they never seem to shut up about it," Zander said smiling, this was the first real smile he had shown for months even when he was on the show with Rachel.

The following week passed in a blur, with Zander back to his usual routine, working in the office till late hours in the night and working out for several hours before having little to no sleep. After doing this for several months his body had gotten used to surviving with almost no sleep. They landed in California at around midday and the event was at seven in the evening.

They arrived at the event at exactly seven thirty in the evening, there was a lot of press and most reporters kept on asking about his wife but Zander just walked into the hotel without sparing them a glance.

It was around eight when Zander was talking to his father that he suddenly felt dizzy, before losing consciousness casing the whole room to go into panic, luckily his father managed to catch him before he hit his head on the floor. Zack on the other hand was trying to calm down a very hysterical Isabella while Elisabeth was being comforted by her boyfriend.

Cara was watching a cooking show that aired at eight when she felt another pain shoot through her stomach, this was worse than the ones she had been experiencing for the past one week. She had gone to the doctor who told her that these were just false labor pains, braxton hick he called them and that they were quite common in the last month of pregnancy. She breathed through the pain but before long she was hit by another more intense one that caused her to cry out.

Annabelle was just getting out of the cab after finishing her shift when she heard a scream from the house; she rushed inside and forgot to pay the cab driver.

"Hey you need to pay for the cab you know, this isn't free you know!" the driver shouted.

"Hold on! Let me get the money!" Annabelle shouted back as she rushed inside only to find Cara in tears holding her stomach.

"Anna it hurts so bad," Cara cried out as another wave of pain hit her.

"It's okay honey, just breath in and out, like how we have been practicing. Let me get the baby bag and we'll get you to the hospital," Anna said running to take the bag from besides the couch where they had placed it.

It was like some planned thing that Annabelle hadn't paid the cab because they would have had to wait for another one since Annabelle's car had broken down and was at the mechanic's. When the driver saw Annabelle supporting Cara as he got out of the door he quickly got out to help them. Cara suddenly stopped and let out another cry before she felt something wet running down her leg.

"Anna, my water just broke!" Cara cried. The driver quickly opened the door as Annabelle helped her in. they quickly drove to the hospital as Annabelle tried her best to calm Cara who had started panicking. Soon they were at the hospital where Annabelle worked.

As they were rushing to the delivery room they almost ran into a man who seemed to be lost in his thought walking away towards the exit, luckily he moved out of the way just in time. Before long Cara was in the delivery room with only Anna at her side.

Zander was rushed to the hospital and it was discovered that after too much stress with little to no intake of nutrients, Zander's body had finally shut down unable to with stand anymore stress. When he woke up Isabelle slapped him before giving him a hug.

"Mama, why did you do that?" Zander asked looking at his mother bewildered.

"Because you nearly gave me a heart attack, do you plan on sending me to an early grave?" Isabelle asked Zander.

"I'm sorry mama," Zander answered looking at his hands unable to meet his mother's eyes.

"You better be, because the next time you do that to us I swear I will kill you!!!" Elisabeth said giving him a hug.

His father just stood in the room saying nothing, he had been so worried because he thought he was going to lose his son, sure he had never shown his love toward his son as many would expect, he had pushed him to doing things that he didn't really want but he only wanted the best for him. He let out a sigh before walking out of the room.

As Alonso (not sure if I gave Zander's dad's name) walked towards the reception deep in thought he almost ran into a woman being rushed to what seemed to be the delivery room, he quickly stepped out of the way and headed out to the parking lot.

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