Chapter Three. New beginning or Lost Game

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I left home early in morning before Scott gets up.

I don’t want to leave Chase behind but I was left of no choice. I just can live with Scott anymore.

I went to Betty’s flat. She gladly accepted me. Till her boyfriend cum roommate comes back.

For now I am relived. But I know I need to find a refuge soon.

As usual I went to Person’s flowers. Scott didn’t call me.

He know I left and thinking that I will go back to him .

But I was determined that I am not going back.

Days passed. Nothing happened. Scott still didn’t call me.

Chase sometimes come to visit me. I know he misses me. But I am helpless.

Some days latter Mr and Mrs Thomsaon visited me and requested me go back to their son.

But I refused. I hated that. But still I did so.

And after one month first bomb was dropped.

“ Becca I need to tell you something” . Betty said hesitantly

“ What is it Betty?” I asked her.

“Jeff is going to back in town in two days So you need move out of my flat. I am so sorry Becca”. Betty said almost apologetically.

I know she was sorry. I need to find a new place that too within two days.

That day has more to give me.

“ I need red roses I heard a unfamiliar voice but from a familiar figure.

It was red hair. Or carina Scott’s girlfriend.

What she doing here. I growled.

Seeing Mrs. Person in front of me I stopped. She is a customer.” Behave “  I said that in mind.

She didn’t care to notice me. She just  bought the flowers  and walked away. I looked at door way and I saw Scott standing there.  So he deliberately brought her here . 

And I am confused why he is here. But soon I got the answer.

“Becca can you come to my cabin” Mrs. Person called me.

I have a intuition something wrong is going to happen.

I went in.

“sit “ she said.

And then she handed me a paper.

“you cannot do this me” I said angrily.

“ sorry Becca Scott asked me to do this. He wants you back. He thinks as long as you work here you won’t go back to him.” Mrs. Person said in a sorry voice.

“ And I cannot deny his request. On request I give you job here and besides his company gives huge orders to us. I cannot lose them. So you needs to leave Becca”. Mrs.Person Concluded.

“ Go back to your husband”. She advised me.

I smiled at her and said.” I will think about it”. And I walked away.

But I know there is no thinking about it. Till now I only wanted Scott to realize his mistake. But now I want revenge.

How dare he come to my work place and ask my boss to sack me.

“I am not helpless and if I have to beg in street I will do that but I won’t return to Scott Thomson”  I thought.

Then suddenly I saw it. My mind flickered. I smiled.  That is it.  I thought.

“My revenge”.

I called Betty.

“Bets , I will vacate your flat tomorrow. But before that I need something from you.”

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