Chapter two. Confessions of unfaithful

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“You slapped Bill Jennington . Do you have any idea who he is”?  Scott asked me fumingly.

“No “. I said calmly.

“He is my boss. He owns the company. He is the President of the company and you slap him publically.”

Scott’s voice was more of anger.

“He kissed me “. I said again in a calm voice.

“if you dress like a whore any man would try to kiss you or…” Scott snapped me.

“Oh really, What about the red haired woman you are with? Her dress was less decent than mine”

I snapped back.

“Carina is not that type of woman. You don’t know her. So don’t judge her by what you saw. “Scott said bit defensively.

“ Yes I don’t know her. But I do know what she did in this afternoon with you Scott.” I said angrily.

Scott stopped the car and looked at me.

 “So that what all these about. You saw it . am I right Becca? He asked me .

“Yes I saw everything. You and Red hair, carina whatever her name is done in the afternoon.

Then something unexpected happened.

Scott began to laugh. I was confused. He is mocking at me or gone mad.

I am going to get a divorce” I thought.

“Don’t even think about it” Scott said as if reading my mind.

“What?” I asked.

“Divorce” Scott replied.

“Why Scott? You don’t want me. Red hair I mean Carina satisfy you obviously. Then why can’t you make me free?”

“Because you are perfect wife” Scott replied curtly.

“That’s all “ I asked.

“ It’s true Becca you don’t interest in bed any more. But you are good wife and mother to Chase.

I just need you to run my home in which you are perfect” Scott said with a smrik.

“ I will not do that” I said with a force that made Scott Choke.

“ You will and you have no other option to agree this it Becca.

Do you think that Person woman pays you enough to hire good lawyer who will stand against my highly paid lawyers?

You will lose custody of Chase forever. Court will never allow a child to live with a penniless mother

You don’t have a proper job nor college degree.  You are nothing without me Rebecca Thomson

Realize it and decide” Scott said warningly.

I have nothing to say because I know Scott is right . I will lose my son forever. But I am not going to accept Scott’s wrongs silently.

“ That like a good girl” Scott said seeing my silence.

“ Becca nothing changes between us. Carina will never part of our life. My life with carina is not going to be a concern to you. You will live that way before all theses happened.  You just have accept the fact that I have another woman in my life. Take care of Chase and home. I will provide you everything  .just  don’t pop in to my matters. And  carina is not the first woman that I cheat you with. There were more. You are too foolish to find out my affairs late. ”

I just felt I wasted my whole life with this unfaithful man. I want to die at that moment. But I am not coward .

I won’t tolerate Scott’s Affairs. But questions remains how I am going to fight against my mighty husband.?

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