Chapter one. Broken vows

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He kissed her, Whispered sweet French words to her ears and laughed with her like he used to do with me when we were newly married.  He caressed her breasts. Worshiped her body and said he loves her like anything. She screamed his name. They were in love .

But the difference is the woman he is making love is not me but the other woman whom she doesn’t known to exist till that time. Yes . It is true at last. Scott is cheating on me. I felt blank for a second. I clenched for support.  And there was none. I shouldn’t be here. Unable to watch more I walked back to my car.

I sat on the driving seat.

I shouldn’t be here. I was supposed to be late. But today is my day. I was early to caught my husband red handed. Now I admit, I Rebecca Thomson is a failure.

 But my mind rebelled. I was not like that.

My marriage with Scott was not a love marriage. When my parents died Scott’s parents who happened to be best friends with my family offered me a post of their daughter in law. And I grabbed it. Scott was relaculnt at first. But agreed latter and proved an excellent husband till now. I thought Scott always loved me. But all was lie.  My life was of thirteen years was a lie. Thirteen is a bad luck like my life.

                                My job at Pearson’s supposed to last two more hours. But today I was early. Scott’s annual day party. So I came early and I caught my husband red handed.

Many told me Scott is having affair. But I never believed it. I was always blind, blind in love and trust.

I closed my eyes and waited.

An hour later the woman with red hair came out of my house. Scott come along with her. He kissed her on her cheeks. They are saying goodbyes.

I waited in my car for half an hour. Then I walked to my house.

The door was left unlocked. I walked in. everything was clean. No sign of affair. Scott is having bath. I heard sound of water in the bath room.

I sat down on the sofa. I was tired at that moment. Tired of Scott’s lies, cheating and with my life.

I closed my eyes. I heard scott coming. But I dared not to open my eyes.

“Becca you are late. I told you come early. We have party too attend. “ Scott accused me.

I opened my eyes and smiled at him.

“Sorry dear. I tired but you know Persons” I said in a fake apologizing tone.

And Scott is satisfied.

“Get ready fast. I don’t want to get late.” Scott said .

I walked towards the bedroom. It was clean and tidy as I left it in the morning. There was no sign of hot session that occurred there an hour ago.

I walked to bathroom.

After finishing my bath I walked towards mirror. Like the old queen asking the mirror who most beautiful woman in the world I stood before the mirror

I dropped my bath robe and looked myself in the mirror.

I am thirty one  and married for thirteen years.  I was perfect in every sense. That was I thought till now. Till my husband cheated on me. . I was not ugly. I am not a model type. I am just a average woman. But that doesn’t mean my husband can cheat on me.

I walked towards the wardrobe. Yesterday I decided I would were a nice pink dress but I am not sure.

I looked again in my wardrobe. At last I found it. It has a color sparkling red. It was short up to my knees.

And it showed cleavage. I never worn a dress like this. I was too shy to wear this one when Betty bought me this one an year ago. It was always hidden in my closet.

Now I am going to wear it.

I just want look better than the slut, who slept with Scott.

I worn the dress and applied make up .

Then again I looked into mirror.

I found a different me staring me.

She is beautiful, bold and sexy

She had no fear or shame in her eyes.

She has confidence to conquer the world.

And that is me.

I walked royally towards Scott.

Scott was on phone when he saw me.

His mouth fell open.

I know Scott was stunned because he never saw me in such a manner

“ Is it really you Becca ?” He asked bewilderingly.

“Lets’s go ,we are getting late”. I said grabbing his arm.

We drove silently. Scott is looking at me in between. I know he couldn’t digest my attire.

He can cheat but I cannot look sexy.

By the time we reached hotel Scott was already half boiled. And I was happy by his irritation.

It  was nothing compared to what he done to me.

“Is that you Becca?” I heard a male voice behind me.

I looked back. It was Philip one of Scott’s friends .

“ it is very much I am Phil” I replied.

“you look beautiful today”. He said kissing on my cheeks making Scott more pissed.

As we enter the hall I felt more eyes are watching me.

Some with lust and others with jealousy.

Any way I am enjoying the attention.

I danced with Philip and some other men whom I don’t know just to make Scott jealous

I saw Scott disappear in to somewhere.

I saw him again with red haired woman from noon. She wearing white dress which has lower cut than me. They were laughing. Scott was so close to her. I felt pang of jealousy in me.

I was about to walk to then a husky voice stopped me.

“  May I dance with you”?

I looked at him. He was very handsome. Six feet tall and well build. His gray eyes were scanning me from bottom to top . I was about to say but …

Not waiting for permission he grabbed me. I was like got close to volcano. Heat began to follow in me. Something told me it was not just dance but more. He looked me like want me there. He said nothing but his eyes were literally raping me.

I felt his fingers molding me. He held me close. I looked for Scott. But he was nowhere to seen. Neither the Red hair.

I am getting confused to how to react this man.

Even though my husband is cheating I am still married to him.

And then he kissed me. With passion

And I slapped him. Hard.

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