Chapter 18.

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Way too much food and being way too lazy that was what this weekend had been, Being you could only get crappy wifi and there wasn't much to do you find yourself eating a lot. If it wasn't for the films everyone brought we would have done nothing.

Board games were a touchy subject for some people, Dustin flipped the table in monopoly after seeing he was losing. Noah called Harry a cheater in go fish and most of the girls didn't know how to play poker. Twister ended up with Ebony getting hurt and snakes and ladders seemed to be the only thing we could play without arguments.

And when we weren't watching a movie or playing a game we were eating, It was coming to the end of our stay and now I was starting to get worried we wouldn't have enough food for breakfast tomorrow morning before the drive home.

"So what did you think of your first ever cabin in the woods?" Faith asks while we were all sitting around the living room watching random TV as we couldn't agree with a film.

I thought back to a mission where I had to stay in the woods in a tent and spy on a few drug dealers who were making their stuff out there, This cabin so far involved no guns... A few arguments but no punches were being thrown.

"It was fun, I didn't think it would be this big or fun for that matter but it's been a good laugh." I offer a smile and look around the group at everyone smiling back at me.

"It's a shame you only joined the school this year." Harry says.

"I can't believe it's our last year, in a couple months we are going to be leaving school. I've already taken most of my exams as well." Ebony says laying on the floor a pillow tucked under her head.

"A lot has changed since the start of this year." Rosie says looking down at her lap. Earlier today Brooklyn and her went for a walk and when they came back we all knew something happened but just didn't know what, They was trying to act normal but you could tell by the way Rosie was that it wasn't quite normal.

She spent almost two hours locked in her room and when I walked past it at one point on my way to the bathroom I was pretty sure I could hear her crying before she came out looking like nothing had happened a full face of fresh makeup.


It was about three in the morning and I was still up while everyone had gone to bed on our last night here, in about four hours I would be waking up anyway to start packing last things away in the car before me and Brooklyn would have left anyway.

I just couldn't seem to sleep, I had tried counting sheep, even tried a hot cup of milk... Don't like hot milk.

Instead I sat in the living room a lamp on thinking things through, There had been no tempted kidnappings since I arrived here, had hardly been anything strange going on apart from things that could be a coincidence maybe Brooklyn was okay maybe once the school year ended the mission would be over and I could start a new one.

No more Brooklyn to look after or feel things for.

Maybe I can go on my first holiday? One that doesn't involve a mission.

I hear footsteps coming from down the hall and look over waiting for the person to appear, everyone should be asleep they all went to bed around midnight.

Brooklyn appears from the hall looking tired, it looked like he was too tired to spot me as he carried on walking into the kitchen behind me opening the fridge for a bottle of water and turning back towards the hall but jumping once he sees me staring at him.

"Shit Penelope you scared the shit out of me, wait why are you awake it's..." he looks over at the clock squinting in the darkness.

"It's just gone three." I tell him.

"So why are you awake?"

"Couldn't sleep tried everything just ended up coming out here hoping to get tired."

"How's that going for you?"

"Well, I'm still awake."

Brooklyn walks around until he is sitting next to me on the sofa grabbing the blanket on the back of the sofa just as he sits down, placing it over both of our laps.

"Brooklyn, What are you doing?"

"Staying up with you, If you can't sleep then we'll stay up until you feel tired."

"You have to drive in a few hours, I can just sleep in the car."

"I want someone to keep me company in the morning, It's a long drive. Anyway, how have you enjoyed your time here truthfully you don't need to be nice for the sake of it."

"It's nice, You're all like a little family and it was nice to feel apart of it for this year I don't get the chance for this kinda thing very much."

"You have three siblings surely you got to do things like this all the time, Holidays and things like that."

Holiday missions... Saving each others lives when needs be.

"Kinda but this is different, What about you? Did you have fun?" A part of me was asking, hoping he would say something about him and Rosie even though the other part of me knew that even if they did break up I wouldn't make a move... I couldn't.

"Got a lot of things sorted for the new year, Making life that little bit clearer." He says offering a small smile to show everything was okay.


I'm not sure how much longer we spent talking but the next thing I remember is hearing a noise behind me I slowly start to open my eyes to see I'm still in the living room, A slight weight on my side stopping me from moving so I turn my head to see Brooklyn leaning against me his head on my shoulder the blanket still over us.

Brooklyn starts to wake up looking around then looks up at me before we both hear the noise again from the kitchen we both slowly turn to see Noah sitting on top of the kitchen counter his hand in a crisp packet, Grinning at us both like a weirdo.

"Morning" Noah says before shoving another handful of crisps into his mouth.

I look at Brooklyn wondering who was going to speak out of the two of us, I mean I didn't really know what to say.

"Morning Noah, You um going to tell everyone about this by any chance?" Brooklyn asks pulling himself upright.

"Depends." Noah jumps up and walks over to us sitting down in the middle of us resulting in the two of us moving over making room for him between us.

"Noah get to the point."

"I want to borrow your car for a date next week." He smiles at the simple request.

"Fine." Brooklyn says and they shake on it.

Noah jumps up from the sofa heading towards the hallway where all the bedrooms are and me and Brooklyn both look at each other taking a deep breath.

"By the way, I totally ship you two." Noah says as he stops turning to look back at the two of us.


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