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I sit around the table with my brothers and sister the twins on the other side of the table and little Jack next to me playing on his laptop... well his version of playing who knows what he was really even doing. We are at the CIA base waiting for our boss to come in and tell us our next mission.

I guess I should fill you in on how we all got in this job right?

Let's start with the fact none of us are really related, we're just one big fake family. We have the twins one girl and one boy Madison and Mason, they were the only two in this fake family who were really related by blood and you could tell with their shared blonde hair and blue eyes and yes sometimes they did finish each other's sentences.

They was seven when they joined the CIA, at the time they were onto their fourth foster home and it wasn't that great, the family had an older son aged fifteen who within their first week of being there sneaked into their room and woke Madison up who in turn shouted for Mason who ended up getting into a fight with the fifteen-year-old. Of course, they were put back into the foster system when the CIA heard about a seven-year-old boy who had knocked out a fifteen-year-old.

An agent was sent to talk to Mason who refused to leave without Madison, they both started training soon after while living with our fake parents who adopted them. Mason was the manpower even from a young age while Madison learned very quickly that she was able to get whatever she wanted from whoever she wanted from a young age of just looking sweet and innocent then as she got older using her looks in a different way.

Little Jack the youngest of us four is a hacking genius, but I guess that's what you get when you're the child of two geniuses. His parents were in the CIA themselves and sadly passed away on a mission resulting in him being without a home but all the skills of his parents and so instead of going into care they kept him around, he proved his worth by hacking into the CIA to get the case file his parents were last on to find out what they wasn't telling him, although he spent a year not talking to anyone after that he now only talks to me and the twins, everyone else he gives the silent treatment blaming them in some way for his parents death. Not that he will ever go into detail about it.

Me? I guess you could just say I was lucky, I was in a care home filled with loads of other children older and younger than me when a couple came in looking to adopt a child, after wandering around getting to know the kids they got to me and an hour later I got the news I was chosen. Out of all the children they could have picked they picked me, I was brought into the family who at the time was just the twins and our fake parents and after a month of bonding I was finally told the family secret, they was a bunch of special agents and the CIA wanted me to join the program.

Apparently, they had a program where they trained kids all from different backgrounds to become agents, I was eight when I started the training program that was ten years ago.

Training was done in sections, depending on your age and intelligence. If like Jack you had a higher IQ for your age you would be sent to the science and computer section, where you would learn to make weapons and hacking.

Myself, Mason and Madison, on the other hand, were sent right into fitness training, for the first six months, we spent getting stronger so when we went onto stage two learning combat we could handle it. We had lessons learning basic fighting skills at first before slowly sparring with other kids our age, slowly but surely we learnt more and more skills. Finally we move onto weapons, at first nothing dangerous more just your in a room filled with everyday objects and you have to work out what you could use as a weapon, then knives and smaller weapons you can hide on your body and finally you get to learn to use a gun as well as the safety in using each weapon.

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