Chapter 17.

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The rest of the week is spent with everyone talking about the trip, talking about what they have left to get and what they have gotten so far. talking about what we can all do when we get there, films, games, music and drink.

School had even gotten in the Christmas mood with Christmas films lesson's were done with the fun had begun.

The school even held a few fun competitions. Who had the best and worst Christmas jumper and baking Christmas cookies, There was a Christmas tree in every big hallway and a small tree in every classroom.

As an agent, we didn't really get to do Christmas very often so all of this was very new to me, Though I was starting to get sick of people singing at me I was about ready to jingle someone's neck if they sang that song one more time at me.

Rosie and Brooklyn... That was complicated, After all, I heard and was told I was ready to see them ignoring each other or even wanting to kill each other but no they were acting like the best of friends the best I had seen them since I joined this school.

And I didn't understand why and neither did anyone else.

The next morning everyone was sitting in the class room waiting for the two of them to arrive and a war to start and the group to be torn apart they even made a plan if the two of them no longer wanted to be friends.

But the two of them walked in all smiles, Her arm linked through his talking away. Everyone's eyes widen and we all looked around at each other questioning what was going on and who was going to ask.

Were they working on their relationship? Or did they break up and decided to just be friends?

Sadly our questions were never answered and before we knew it it was the day before the drive down and I finished packing my bags about to take them next door to help pack everything in the car.


"This is like a damn game of Tetris." Brooklyn says trying to shove a box of food at the side of all the other boxes full of other food and drink.

"Are we going to get through all this food?" I ask already holding the next thing we were fitting in.

"I think that every year and you will be amazed at how much food everyone will eat while there for a short amount of time." On the last word the box gives in and slides into place and Brooklyn gives the back of his car a smug smirk.

"Alright what's next." He turns around and I'm holding a few small duffle bags with everyone's clothes inside. "They won't be so bad they will just sit on top nicely." 

I step to the side to show a few more duffle bags and then pillows and blankets and a couple more bags of things filled with random films and games.

"We can do this." I smile and slip past him putting the bags on top of the box's and then grabbing the two bags full of random things and then the back was full If we were to put things on the top of everything else we wouldn't be able to see out the back window.

"The rest can go in the back seat's being it's just the two of them, Also I have brought us a few snacks for a long drive up there and some drink." Brooklyn says picking up loads of pillows before walking towards the car door and stopping once he notices the door is closed and turns to look at me.

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