Chapter 9.

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To say this past week has been awkward is an understatement, all week Rosie and Brooklyn have not spoken a word to each other unless it was to do with a lesson.

Rosie has tried talking to him a couple of times but it always ends with him walking away or talking to someone else sending Rosie crying to the toilets with one of the other girls, and I'm pretty sure Rosie think's it's my fault.

Everyone was walking around on eggshells when it came to the two of them, the boys were trying to keep Brooklyn away from Rosie just to save everyone from hearing another argument or intense lunch.

Then add on to that everyone making sure whenever Rosie and I were in the same room she didn't end up trying to kill me again.

When I had told everyone about the events that took place on the boat, Madison pointed out she could get her kicked out, Mason said he could always accidentally make it look like she broke her leg in class and Jack told me he could hack into her smart car and cause a bad accident.

So when the weekend came around everyone was over the moon to have a break from walking on eggshells, Ebony and Faith was taking turns spending the night with Rosie to keep her from eating too much food I think and the boys made a plan to take Brooklyn out for a night of drinking at a club and I was invited with Ebony who's night off it was.

So here I was outside of Madison's room about to make maybe the biggest mistake of my life.

"Hey what's up?" Madison says opening up her door.

"I need your help... I'm going to a club tonight." Madison's eyes get wide and she pulls me into her room shoving me onto her bed and disappearing into her wardrobe.

"Okay so you don't want to look too slutty or too cute so I say let's go for a rock chick with elegance kinda look." She says still in her wardrobe throwing things around. "I FOUND IT" I jump at her voice and she comes out holding random clothes and a box of shoes.

"This and I know just how to do your makeup." Madison lays out a white strapless top a black skirt with crosses on them along with a leather jacket.

"It's a good thing we are the same size, Okay so these shoes " Madison chucks some black heeled boots onto the bed almost hitting me before coming over to me. "Alright, so I say we straighten your hair keep your makeup pretty dark."

Madison gets to work straightening my hair while I play with my fingers on my lap.

"So how did this week go? No more problems with Rosie?" Madison questions.

"It's not been bad, you would think everyone else was on a secret mission trying to keep the two of them apart." Planning everything down to what hallway to take them down so they won't bump heads.

"Hey, maybe you can suggest some of them to Charlie for training." Madison laughs after she says it.

"Rosie still seems to think there is something going on between me and Brooklyn if only she knew the real reason I was hanging around him like a fly."

"I mean I get why she would be worried, she's just a little over the top in her act." Madison tells me as she brushes a knot out of my hair.

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