Chapter 1

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"Wow. Do you really think you need that?"

I look down at my food. It is just a small frozen yogurt. Courtney always made sure that I felt bad about the food I eat.

I stay silent and just wait for this to be over.

"Come on Isabelle, you know you don't need that, you have enough food to last you a year at least." Courtney and her stick sidekicks start laughing.

I move to get up, but she pushes me back down in my seat. "Aww, do I make you sad?" she says in a voice that you would talk to babies in. "Well, let's fix that." She grabs the yogurt in front of me and crushes it into my hair.  She and her friends laugh as  the cold yogurt slowly slides down my face and back.

I get up and run out of the school building. I continue to run for as long as I can, which is not very long, before I start to walk through the woods to get home.


As soon as I walk through the door, my mother starts fussing over me.

"Oh, sweetie, what have they done to you."

"It's fine mom. Just forget about it."

"I will not forget about it. Not when you refuse to do anything about this. It has gone to far. "

"What do you expect me to do mother? Do you want me to do this back to them? Because that will not help. I tried that but it just made what they were doing worse. I'm going out for a walk mother. I'll be back."

I turn and walk out the door before she can say anything.

I walk around before realizing that I am at the top of the cliff in the woods. I sit on the edge and just think, what if this would help. It would end my suffering, and those b*tches would not have control over me. But then again, this is what they want. They told me many time to kill myself. To do this.

As I continue to think, I don't notice that someone walks up behind me.

"What are you doing?!" I hear a guy yell, startling me and making me fall onto my back.

I wince and stand before turning and freezing. In front of me is Demetrius Herrmann, the hottest guy in town.

"What do you care?" I snap at him.

"I care because it looked as if you were going to jump. And no one should do that. Especially if they are as pretty as you."

I blush a little as I scoff at him. "Me? Pretty? I think you have someone else in mind. There is no way that I am pretty. Have you seen me? I am fat and hideous."

I start walking around him when he grabs my arm and pulls me to him before gently pushing my back against a tree.

"Who has told you that?"

"You have! As well as everyone else at school! But you never knew because all I am to you and everyone else is some fat chick there for your amusement."

He looks as if he is taken aback at what I said. But it's the truth. He never once noticed me. I've had a crush on him for who knows how long. And he has always teased me along with everyone else at school.

Before I blink, I feel his lips pressed against mine, making me close my eyes and respond.

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