Chapter Two

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 Alice's P.o.v.

"Alice?" I turned around and waved on.

"Come on Jamie. You're so slow." I teased.

"If I'm so slow then you can just help yourself into your dorm." She said.

"Aw I'm sorry J. Please help me out?" I pouted out my bottom lip.

"Fine." She grumbled.

After being so busy helping Lizzy and dealing with... other stuff... I'm finally here. Jamie, my best friend, is helping me into my dorm. She already lives here at the college. As I waited for her to catch up I looked around.

The building was huge! There were lit up sidewalks with trees and flowers surrounding them. It looked very nice. I turned to look the other way. Is that...?

"Come on. Let's go." Jamie said and grabbed my hand to pull me forward. I turned my head to get another look and she was gone. I guess I'm just imagining things. Again.

We got to my dorm and Jamie knocked on the door. A beautiful girl with dark hair opened the door.

"Hey you my new dorm mate?" She asked me. I nodded. "Cool I cleaned off your space when I heard you'd be coming today. What's your name?"

"Alice." She scrunched her eyebrows together for a moment before shaking her head and smiling again.

"It's nice to meet you Alice. I'm Madison." She held out her hand and I shook it.

"And this is my friend Jamie. She's helping me move my stuff." I said.

They exchanged greetings and we started to unpack. I held onto my photo book and slid it under my pillow before Jamie could see it. She finished up helping me out and waved goodbye.

"So Alice, tell me about yourself." Madison said and spun around in her desk chair.

"Um... not sure what to say about myself really."

"Okay what are you here to be. What do you want to become?"

"A journalist." I stated.

"Ooh what do you like to write about?" She asked.

"I like to find out what's going on. How things are. I especially love finding those inspiring stories and writing about them. Maybe even taking a few pictures to go with it." I smiled.

"Well when you write those amazing stories then you tell me. I'd love to read them."

"Will do."

"So... what about a boyfriend? Got one?" She asked.

I laughed nervously. "N-no."

"I'm sure a pretty girl like you could have any guys she wanted." Madison said.

"Too bad I don't want guys." I started fiddling with the sheets on my bed.

"Oh." She said. "Well, neither do I."

"You're a lesbian?" I asked.

"Yup. Even got myself a girlfriend."

"How nice." I said. This topic is starting to make me sad. Oh I need to take another pill before I forget. "Excuse me."

I grabbed my bag containing all my makeup and hair things and toothbrush and walked to the bathroom. I pulled out the orange bottle with the white label. Just one now and another in the morning. I filled up one of the small paper cups by the sink. I swallowed the pill and gulped down the water.

"What's the pill for?" Madison asked.

I jumped and turned. She was leaning against the door frame and looking at the bottle.

"Depression." I said and put the bottle away. I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on my bed.

"Oh. Never would have guessed." She said.

"No one does." I mumbled. "It's late. I'm going to bed."

I turned off the lamp light beside me and pulled the covers over my head.

"Night." Madison said.

~The next morning via Willa's P.o.v.~

I sat down at our table and took a sip of coffee. Grace and Kingston were chatting and Misty had just sat down. I waited for a moment before Madison came over.

"Hey babe." I said and kissed her. "Did your dorm mate come in?"

"Yeah. It wasn't the best first meeting." She said. That caught Grace and Kingston's attention.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Well she seemed just awkward and shy but then I saw her swallowing a pill in the bathroom."

"Alright so she's just awkward and probably had a head ache." Misty said.

"It was an antidepressant." Madison said.

"I can see how that made it not the best first meeting." Kingston said.

"Maybe she just needs some friends. We can always talk with her. I'll be seeing her a lot anyways since I'll visit your dorm." I said.

"She did have one friend. She helped her out when she came in." Madison said.

I remembered last night. "Oh hey Grace can I tell you something in private?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow and nodded. I pulled her over so that no one else at the table could hear us. I will tell them eventually but first I want to make sure.

"What's up?" Grace asked.

"I'm pretty sure I saw Alice last night." I said.

"What?!" Grace yelled. I hushed her.

"Well I was out at the fountain after you left and after Madison had stopped to chat with me and when I got up to leave I saw her."

"You sure it was her?" Grace asked.

"Well I heard someone behind her call for her and they did yell 'Alice'."

"Why aren't you telling Kingston and Misty?" She asked.

"I just wanted you to help me out. Find out if it's really her first."

"And if it is?"

I thought for a moment. "Then things are probably going to be kind of awkward."

We walked back over to the table and Madison gave me a look like 'what-was-that?' I shook my head and sat back down.

"Okay well whatever that was beside- hey! There she is." Madison said.

"What?" I asked.

"My dorm mate." She said. She waved at someone and I could hear them making their way over before stopping.

"Holy shit." Misty said.

I turned around and saw Alice staring at me.

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