Chapter 75: Ariella

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Chapter 75 Ariella

"Ariella, do you understand how dangerous that was? Going off by yourself?" Mother exclaimed, her fingers rubbing the tip of her nose. "Even ignoring the recent issues, no one goes into that part of the City. It's dangerous to walk in with all of the glass and rotten buildings."

"And with everything that's going on, you're lucky you weren't attacked." Father let out a frustrated sigh as he stalked away from me and stopped in front of the window. "Even if what you say is true and there's some spirit that is willing to help you, it's to dangerous for you to continue going there. We can't allow you to put yourself in danger like that."

"So you're saying she can't go talk to Nimiane anymore?" Shanae demanded, her hand falling on my shoulder.

"I have to agree with Captain Mathews." Alexander sounded, his hand squeezing mine tightly. "A spirit itself is enough to worry me, add in the other things and it's to dangerous even for someone who could fight."

"I think you just don't like the idea that Ariella was doing something without your knowledge." Shanae snapped as her hand pressed harder on my shoulder. "It-"

"Shanae." I whispered as my hand rose and fell onto hers. She fell silent behind me and my eyes lifted as I glanced between my mother and father. "I understand where you are coming from and it was dangerous to go alone. But I know Nimiane. She may be a spirit but she just wants to help me as she is the only one who can help."

"Ariella." Alexander whispered and I shook my head.

"No." I told him, slipping my hand from his. "I understand why you're worried and I promise I'll take someone with me, or however many I have to take. But I am going back. I have to."

"And why do you have to, Ariella?" Mother questioned, her voice filled with defeat while her and Father's eyes filled with surprise.

"Nimiane is the only one who knows anything about my Power. She's the only one who can help me." I explained, my hands squeezing each other tightly as I stared at them.

"Ariella, you have to keep in mind that there's a traitor, how do you know he won't come in and attack while you're alone with the spirit?" Father demanded, his voice filled with irritation once more. "Or wait for you outside?"

"Well he couldn't attack while she's training since the doors are closed and can only be opened by a Healer of Water." Shanae explained, a confident grin played on her face as she leaned forward, a glint of amusement danced in her eyes. "As for if he's waiting to attack her, an Air and Tracker can heighten their hearing to the point they could hear a heart beat. No one could last long in hiding if we're always on guard."

"And then there's the Earth." Isabella smiled softly as she sat on the edge of the couch beside me. "Personally, I can feel when someone steps on the ground and generally locate it. Some of the others have gotten to the point where they can attack that spot without having to be near."

"Exactly." Shanae giggled brightly. "If you want to test us, Captain, feel free. We'll show you exactly what we mean."

"Then let's make a bet of it." Brittney offered as she leaned forward from where she sat on my right.

"The Mathews against the two of you." Natalie offered, her eyes dancing mischievously, as she studied my friends. "If you can catch us, we'll allow Ariella to continue going with the two of you as her guard."

"If you fail, then this has to stop, at least until we catch the traitor. Sounds fair?" Brittney glanced over at my parents who nodded in agreement.

"Maranda and I will test the two of you," Father interjected, his eyes danced over towards Brittney, amusement dancing inside. "I think we've pulled enough with the Mathew's family ability recently."

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