Chapter 52: Ariella

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Chapter 52 Ariella

"What have you done!" A little boy's voice shouted and I turned to see a smaller version of Alex standing in the doorway, a look of horror on his face. I glanced over at Alexander and saw him roll his eyes as he shifted himself to turn and look at the little boy.

"I cleared a spot for us to sit."

It had been over an hour since we got here and cleaned off the couch, Alexander explaining what had happened while I was ill. All sorts of emotions had enveloped my body as I listened to the events that led up to my parents changing their minds. And now, after everything was said and done, Alexander's little brother had come and realized what had happened to his set up.

"You destroyed my islands!" The boy exclaimed as he rushed forward and scooped up the books and held them close to him.

"I think your 'islands' will be fine." Alexander chuckled as he turned to me, shaking his head slightly. "Don't you have your lessons right now anyway?"

"Father's busy and you're hurt so I don't have to do the today." The boy pouted as he continued to gather up the books and toys.

"Nonsense. There's always something you can do!" Alexander leaned forward and waved his brother towards him. "Now, listen here, Andrew, when I was your age and father was busy, I'd go and run around the house ten times so that I could do something productive."

"Really?" The little boy's eyes grew wide in awe and a cocky smile grew on his face. "I'll do better than you! I'll run around twenty times!" He exclaimed, dropped the books and ran out of the room.

"How old is he?" I questioned as I stared at the spot where the boy disappeared.

"Andrew is five and has a rather vivid imagination." Alexander snorted and shook his head. "I wouldn't put it past him to pretend he's being chased by Hunters or some evil-looking monster."

"If it helps, I guess that works?" In all honesty, I had no idea what to say. I always knew children had imagination, they were always playing around and smiling, but I couldn't imagine a child pretending they were in danger. My mind just couldn't wrap around it.

"He'll be fine." Alexander's hand slipped into mine and I turned to glance at him. "Kids will be kids. It's normal around here for the boys to pretend they're facing Hunters or some unknown horror that they have to beat to get home."

"But why?"

"Because they're weird?" He laughed. "However the good thing is, we will not be bothered for a while."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Mother is most likely with Becca and Andrew is running around outside." Alexander grinned at me before pushing himself up and resituating himself. He slipped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. My eyes fluttered close as I rested my head on his chest, nuzzling into him slightly. I didn't understand it, about how I was feeling, but it felt right. That sitting here, like this, was where I was supposed to be. It was safe.



"What happens next?" I lifted my head off his chest, my eyes staring into his, watching the surprise flash in his eyes as he realized what I had said.

"That depends on you." He told me, his left hand reaching up and brushing against my right cheek. "What do you want?"

"What if-" I cut myself off, burying my head in his chest as I tried to find the words that I needed. I didn't know what I wanted, not with him at least. I was confused about the feelings inside of me. I cared for him as a friend, but it was more than that. I cared about him in a different way compared to how I care of my friends and family. Everything was different with him. Similar, but different. I didn't understand it.

"What if what?"

"What if I don't know what I want?" I whispered as I stared down at my fingers. I didn't want to see his face, the disappointment. After everything he had gone through, he deserved more than that, more than an unsure or unknown feeling.

"Ariella, look at me." I slowly lifted my head and glanced over to him. He didn't look upset or angry or even disappointed. His eyes filled with understanding as his left hand slipped underneath my chin and he leaned forward, his face getting closer to mine until our lips met.

Surprise filled my body as his lips pressed against mine. It was gentle, didn't hurt but I knew it was there. The surprise slowly faded and I was surprised at the other feeling. Happiness flooded my body, overcoming the other feelings, heightening my senses. I could feel him next to me, his heat radiating off of him and I could feel his hand pressing against the back of my neck.

A moment passed and he pulled away before pressing his forehead against mine.

"I know things are difficult for you right now, you're confused and scared. I don't blame you." His voice was no louder than a whisper but I could hear him as clearly as if we were talking. "Just know, I'll wait for you, whatever you decide."

"Alex." I glanced up at him and he smiled softly before leaning forward and pressing his lips against mine once again.

"All I want is for you to be happy." He told me, his left thumb brushed against my cheek. "And I will do whatever I can to make sure you will be happy, Ariella."

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