Chapter 28: Ariella

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Chapter 28 Ariella

"Unbelievable." Michael muttered, his eyes wide with surprise. He eased himself back into his seat, his gaze stuck on me.

My cheeks burned brightly as I looked at the others. Peter, Isabella, Shanae, and Calida sported faces filled with excitement, their bodies were almost shaking with it. Cora stared at me in complete disbelief, her hands rubbing her eyes continuously as if she was trying to wipe away a dream. Alexander was the only one who didn't seem excited. A small grin played on his lips as his hand reached out to grab me and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"No one has seen those eyes in years." Shanae giggled, jumping up and down slightly as her hair flew around her. "And here we are, being the first ones to see them."

"Well, I'm assuming her parents have seen them." Alexander chortled next to me as he leaned back in his chair. I could feel his eyes studying me almost as if he expected me to do something else. Turning towards him, I could see that he was shaking his head slightly. A moment passed before he leaned forward and looked at the others. "When Ariella told me, she asked for my help. I know that I can't help her alone. But, if we work together, we might just be able to help her learn."

"There's no might about it." Peter interrupted and leaned forward in his seat as well. "Ariella came to us; you girls know the ways of the Healers better than anyone. If we don't help her, it could take her years to learn things that you could teach her in weeks."

"It's more than just that." Isabella smiled softly at me. "We may have just met, but I'd like to think we will be great friends someday. And friends help each other out."

"I'd like that." I muttered softly, wishing slightly that I could hide my burning cheeks.

"Perhaps we should make a schedule?" Shanae offered. She collapsed in the chair next to me, her arms sprawled out around her. "Who can help her when." Her hand reached out and grabbed mine, holding it tightly. "We can teach you the methods, but you'll have to practice them too. This is not something you can learn overnight, you have to learn and practice it every day until you can master it."

"I'll do my best." My smile was huge as I looked around at them, thrilled that they were going to help me. For once, it was almost like I belonged with people my own age. I never knew what that was like before and now that I do, I loved it.

"It will be hard at first." Cora interrupted, her head hanging over the chair slightly. "If you're not used to your Power, than it may not want to do as you say right away. It will be harder to manipulate and so you will have to use more of it to get what you want done." Her eyes studied me, almost as if she was looking for something. I gave her a small nod, unsure of what else to say. I knew that it would be hard to do this, it was only to be expected. But could I do it? Could I handle the work that I'll have to put in to succeed?

"Now then, a schedule!" Shanae exclaimed as she exploded from her chair and ran to the other side of the room. She stopped in front of a small table and pulled something from the drawer before coming back to us and plopping in the chair next to me. "Obviously, today is the day that we all have off so we can all help her this day of the week."

"I have Mondays off." Peter offered to Shanae who was scribbling down times and words.

"And Michael has Thursday's off, same as me." Shanae muttered as she scribbled some more. "So I can teach her and Michael can be her test dummy."

"Hey!" Michael snapped, softer than before. His eyes glanced at me before turning up to the ceiling. Shanae glanced up at him, a smirk on her face.

"Calida and I have Wednesdays off." Cora offered. She smiled at me and then at Calida. "We can take turns teaching her."

"Sounds fair." Calida nodded. Her black eyes turned to me, studying me for a moment before looking away from me. Blinking in confusion, I studied her. Her long black hair, her rock-like face that showed no emotion and her eyes that stared at the ground. A part of me wondered what was going on with her, if she was happy or not about me.

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