Chapter 1

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This summer was different than the others 23 summer I had before. My friend Meg decided to take me with her family to Greece for the summer. I of course loved to go anywhere away from my weirdo aunt who preferred to try and marry me off as soon as possible. I do admit though I didn't know much about Greece, I was a bigger fan of Egypt but hey as long as I am away from Aunt Tillie then it's a good thing.

Her parents were like my second parents. They loved me like their own. Meg's mom even referred to me as her daughter most of the time.

In Greece, Meg and I were at the beach. I loved the ocean and especially swimming in it. Meg made me wear a ridiculously expensive bathing suit. It didn't bother her I mean her parents were rich and mine well lets not even go there.

"You know, I really like it here." I hear Meg say with a laugh.

I look over at her admiring the men that keep looking at her.

"You would, Please I mean is there anyone on this beach who wouldn't look at you?" I ask her with a friendly smile.

"Good point, I can't help it I am attractive." She says as she giggles. "Come on let's get into the water."

I reluctantly follow her into the water in this bikini that I am really not use to but I still have my skirt tied around my waist. We get pretty far out when I hear Meg scream. I try to find her when I feel a suction below me and before I know it the water sucks me under. I think I am dying at first then I swim as hard as I can and finally reach the top of the water and look around. I look and can barely see the beach ahead of me but still no sign of Meg.

"YOU!" I hear someone call out to me.

I turn back and see a boat, there on the deck is a man looking at me. Then he jumps in and swims after me. I feel him put his arms around me and starts to swim with me to the boat. A few other men help me on board but I can barely keep my eyes open.

"What is she?" I hear one man ask.

"We will find that out later for now she needs to rest, I'll take her below deck." I hear the man who saved me say as he picks me up.

I don't know how long I was asleep but I finally managed to open my eyes and see someone looking right at me. He's blonde very well built with the blue eyes. Of course he just smiles at me.

"What is your name?" he asks me.

"Diana." I reply very quickly.

"You were in the middle of the ocean when I saved you. Are you going to tell me how you came to be there?" he asks me.

Once I get a better view of my surrounding I realize I am not in my own time.

"I was swimming with Meg and I was pulled under the water, I swam up to the surface and that is when you found me. Was there another girl you found?" I ask him.

"No, only you. That I know of." He tells me as he looks down at my clothes.

Oh no I forgot I am wearing a bikini in front of him. Well this is embarrassing. I try to cover myself up with my hands but that doesn't do very good.

"You wear strange clothes, my men could not take their eyes off of you. Perhaps you should change?" he says as he turns to his left and another man give him some clothes.

I watch them carefully, the other seems to be younger. Just as attractive though. What am I thinking? Really did I get hit on the head or something? The blonde man hands me the clothes.

"I am Achilles and you are now under my protection. No one will harm you so have no fear." He tells me as he and the other turn away from me.

I quickly put the robes on over my swimsuit. They are still a little short for my liking especially the top. It seems to show more cleavage then I wanted but I really have no choice.

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