ghost zone?

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" you look like your looking for something" i said as we floated.

"yeah,i was actually looking for you" he said, i was confused why would he be looking for me?

"why?" i asked 

"well i never really got to thank you for saving me today and i didnt get your name. we dont usually get many ghost who are willing to help around here." he finished. so i take it they get a lot of ghost around here... great...

"well my name is (ghost name) " i smiled to him " and to be honest, you and that skulker guy are some of the only ghost ive ever really seen..." i told him, but he looked confused

"what do you mean? your a ghost your from the ghost zone..." he said as if it were obvious.

"the what?" i asked  but before he could answer, he got blasted. i look over and saw that skulker guy again.

"ghost boy and ghost girl what a surprise..." he said

"what do you want skulker?" the ghost boy asked getting back up

"well i was hunting you but i now i see i will be getting two for the price of one" he laughed. before i could process what was happening he caught us in a green net and i felt like i was getting hit by bolts of lightning before i blacked out. but i swear i heard sam and tucker yell 'danny'...

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