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Homecoming, I'm coming, my sweet mistake...

Savannah's P.o.v.
It's been 2 years since I last stood in a ring. After I got out of the hospital, I decided to take some time off of WWE, of the Shield, of Randy. Things changed in those 2 years. Seth betrayed the Shield and now all of the sudden is WWE World Heavy Weight Champion. Dean, I don't really got much to say. He's still the same guy with a little more madness and the obsession of destroying Seth... Okay maybe he kinda changed. Roman in the other hand, he's still Roman but now gets more mic time.
Randy and I aren't as united. After I told him I wasn't going to be in WWE for awhile, he kinda went his own way. We're still together but our relationship it's so distant.
Cody or should I say Stardust, I don't know. Despite how messed up of a human being he is now, I feel bad for him. When I found out Dusty passed away, my heart shattered. He was a great man, I remember him once telling me that anything is possible if I got the will to do it. I might hate Cody with all my guts but I can also be sympathetic of his loss.
When I went to the funeral I saw him. His face wasn't painted, his eyes were to his normal blue, he was the same Cody Rhodes I met 2 years ago. Except, except he was now broken. He probably feels guilty. The last thing he ever said to his Dusty was 'Cody Rhodes is dead and as far as I'm concerned, so is my father'
This past 2 years have been hard, I still went to the gym and trained. I needed to get stronger.
Not just physically but also mentally. Losing my first kid did affect me.
I swear I almost got lost in the hallways of the arena, it's been so long.

I'm pacing, impatient up in my head. Taken back to the sidewalk where we met.

I hoped that I didn't bump into anyone. I was just wasn't in the mood to socialize.
"Savannah?" I took a deep breath while closing my eyes the exhaled and turned around slowly. "Yes Randy?" We both stood there in silence.

And carved out our names, Do you remember that?

He looked at me straight in the eyes. It's been a long time since I last saw him. He hasn't been the same ever since I lost our first baby. Right when I least expected, he walked closer to me and held me in his arms. After about a second, I hugged back. I missed his scent. There was no other man that uses a better cologne than Randy Orton himself. After 20 minutes of silently hugging in the middle of the hallway I decided to let go. "It was nice seeing you again but I got to go" I turned around and was about to walk away when his hand grabbed mine "Savannah wait!" I stared at him "Don't go" he whispered softly so only I could only hear him. "Randy-" "Please, I need you" he held me closer "I still love you" He whispered before kissing my forehead. If this wasn't the arena I would definitely stay in his arms forever but I can't. Not now. I gently pushed him away "I-" right before I could respond I saw Kane and Seth beating up my dad on the tv screen. I ran to the gorilla, I didn't have a theme yet but that wasn't going to stop me from helping my dad. I told the person in charge of the monitors to turn the lights off for a little then turn them back on.

I'm coming home, I'm coming home, Did you take off while I was gone? I missed it all, I messed you up, I missed you

The lights went back on as soon as I ran down the ramp. I could hear the crowd roar.
"Oh my God! Is that Savannah Alizey?" Michael Cole exclaimed
"She's back!" Jbl said. "What is she doing here though?" Jerry Lawler questioned.
I got on the ring pushed Seth away. He looked stunned. I felt someone hold me back from behind. I turned around and slapped Kane with all my might which caused him to hold his cheek and retreat. Then I turned back to Seth "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I yelled as I pushed him back. "Huh?" He didn't answer. He was either too coward to answer or shocked to see I returned. I turned my back to him and walked to my dad who was in a corner of the ring. I helped him up. As me and my dad walked up the ramp I could hear gasps from the fans. They're asking themselves why am I helping the vigilante, why did I help Sting? They just don't know he's my dad.

Descending, I'm spinning, lost all defense. How could you swallow me again?

I took my dad to his locker room. "Savannah why did you go out there?" "I couldn't stand to see them hurting you. Besides, I heard you're after Seth's title" I sat next to him. "This isn't about me, it's about you Savannah. You sure you're ready to be back in the ring?" "Yes dad, 2 long years is enough" he sighed "If you think you're ready I won't argue but the Shield is broken up" "I know, but I can still wrestle" he weakly smiled at me "Of coure you can. Anyways, I have to change princess" he kissed my forehead "I'll see you later dad" I say walking out of his locker room. As soon as I walked outside I bumped into the person I least wanted to see "Savannah" "Cody"

I left you, I meant to. Couldn't let you in...


A/N: Haven't updated this story in a while, I'm sorry for that. What do you guys think so far?
I decided to forward time. Hope you guys like it!

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