You say I'm crazy, cuz you don't think I know what you've done

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Savannah's P.o.v.
Tonight was Raw & I had a match against Alicia Fox. I've been avoiding Cody since I got to the arena. Dean, Seth & Roman have been by my side most of the time. I saw Eden & she smiled at me "hello Savannah-" I only ignored her & walked past her to the divas locker room. "Sup girl!" Naomi & Paige came up to me. "Hey gals" I said "ready for your match against Foxy?" Paige asked. "I'm always ready for a match. Where is she by the way?" "Talking to Rosa, she'll meet you in a bit. Why are you so serious?" "Yeah girl, you look grumpy today. What's up?" Naomi asked. "Nothing much just stupid stuff I have to deal with" "Cody?" Paige asked "How do you-" "I do my research" "stalker" I teased "you barely noticed?" Paige smirked "Spill girl" Naomi pleaded "Hey girls, spill what?" AJ joined the conversation. "Okay fine," I closed the locker room door. I sighed "Cody cheated on me" the girls gasped "with who?" AJ asked. "Eden" they gasped again. "When?" Paige asked "yesterday. I caught them making out in his locker room" the girls looked shocked. They looked at each other & then me. "What are you going to do now?" Naomi asked. I shrugged "nothing" "Nothing?!? What is wrong with you Savannah!!?!" AJ yelled "Excuse me?" I said putting my hands on my hips. "You have to do something about it. Don't let him think you are still his, show him that he doesn't own you anymore." AJ explained "like what? I'm not going to make a big deal after this." "Has he texted you or called you?" Naomi asked "No" "Good, just wait for the perfect moment & focus on your match. Don't let anything distract you" Paige said "& good luck" AJ added. "Thanks, but what perfect moment?" I said confused "you'll see" Naomi said. I just nodded & walked outside with my title on my shoulder. I waited for Alicia's song to stop & for our theme to hit. I walked down the crowd & got in the ring. I handed my title to Roman as the bell rang.

(Skip match)

I jumped from the top rope & pinned Alicia. 1..2..3  "Here's your winner, Savannah Alizey!" Lillian anounced in the mic. Roman handed me my title & I raised it up. We later walked backstage & to my luck I found Cody infront of me. The guys looked ready to beat the hell out of him but I stopped them. "What do you want Rhodes?" I said almost sounding like the guys. He looked shocked at the way I talked to him. "What's wrong with you?!" He asked with surprised look. "Nothing" I said simply looking at the guys. "You are acting differently" he said "so what if I am? You don't have the right to point it out. Is not like you care" "what? I-"  "You disgust me. I mean after everything you've done,you still have the guts to act like nothing's wrong like if you are all innocent & stuff" "what the hell are you talking about?!" "How stupid do you think I am Rhodes? I know you fucking cheated!!!" I yelled "what-" "you think I didn't see you & Eden? I did you son of a bitch! & you know what I could give a damn because you were not good enough for me anyways!!!" He grabbed my arm "you have no right to talk to me like that" he threatened "I do, because that's how you talk to a douche like you!" I snatched my arm away from his grip "you are such a player. Screw you & Eden, I fucking hate you!" I said angrily "we are through!" I said "you can't break up with me!!!" He said grabbing me by the arm hard. I slapped him casing him to let go"I just did & don't touch me you son of a bitch!" I walked away with the guys following behind. They didn't say anything but they looked scared, they just said they would change & meet me later. I went into the locker room & changed. I felt good, I know I should feel devastated & crushed because I actually loved him but I wasn't. That's not the type of girl I am. I just know Cody is history, I'm over him. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it & it was one a camera guy saying Stephanie wanted to see me in her office. What did I do now?

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