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The hallways pulsed with the usual pre-lunch chaos. Keera navigated the throng of students, her backpack feeling heavier than usual. The news reports were relentless, replaying clips of their daring raid and interviews she'd given with Iñigo by her side. It was empowering, sure, but also a stark reminder of the target on her back.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the noise, laced with mocking sweetness. "Well, well, if it isn't the eco-warrior celebrity."

Sarah, the bane of Keera's existence, sauntered towards her, her perfectly coiffed blonde hair bouncing with each step. Her designer outfit, no doubt the product of her father's ill-gotten LeeCorp gains, stood in stark contrast to Keera's worn jeans and well-loved t-shirt.

"Trying to leverage your fifteen minutes of fame for some more attention, are we?" Sarah continued, a cruel smile playing on her lips.

Keera forced a smile. "Just heading to class, Sarah. You should try it sometime."

Sarah's smile vanished, replaced by a venomous glare. "Nice try, Keera. But no amount of eco-babble will make you popular. Especially not with someone like Iñigo."

Keera's stomach lurched. Sarah's feelings for Iñigo were no secret, a constant undercurrent of tension throughout the ordeal. "Iñigo and I are just friends," Keera managed, her voice barely a whisper.

Sarah scoffed. "Friends? Honey, the whole school saw how he was looking at you during that interview. Don't delude yourself. A girl like you can't compete with someone who actually has something to offer."

Tears welled up in Keera's eyes, but she blinked them back, refusing to give Sarah the satisfaction. Sarah's words stung, a cruel reminder of the insecurities Keera had battled for years.

"Maybe not," Keera replied, her voice surprisingly steady. "But at least I have something to stand for. Something real."

Before Sarah could retort, the bell rang, a harsh clang that momentarily drowned out the hurt in Keera's voice. Taking a deep breath, Keera turned and walked towards class, her head held high. She wouldn't let Sarah's taunts break her. She had Iñigo, she had her friends, and she had a cause she believed in. Those were things Sarah could never take away.

Later that afternoon, Keera found Iñigo waiting by their usual spot under the old oak tree. Relief washed over her as she saw the concern etched on his face.

"Hey," he said, his voice laced with worry. "David told me what happened."

Keera sighed, recounting the encounter. Shame burned in her cheeks, but she forced herself to meet Iñigo's gaze.

"Don't listen to her," Iñigo said, taking her hand. "She's just jealous. You're amazing, Keera. You're brave, and you're passionate. Those are qualities I admire."

His words warmed Keera's heart. "But what if she's right?" she mumbled, her voice barely audible. "What if I'm not good enough for you?"

Iñigo squeezed her hand. "Keera, look at me." His voice was firm, his eyes filled with sincerity. "You're the strongest person I know. You stood up to LeeCorp, you faced your fears, and you did it all with courage and conviction. That's what makes you beautiful, inside and out."

Tears welled up in Keera's eyes this time, tears of gratitude and relief. Iñigo leaned in, his warm breath whispering against her ear.

"And for the record," he continued, his voice low and playful, "I think you're definitely my type."

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