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The movie played on mute, a silent backdrop to the crackling tension between Keera and Iñigo. Curled up on opposite ends of the worn-out sofa, they stole nervous glances at each other between popcorn bites. Iñigo's suggestion of a movie night had felt like a dare, a test of the fragile truce they'd established.

"So," Keera finally broke the silence, her voice barely a whisper. "About your parents..."

Iñigo sighed, the sound heavy with a mix of anger and resignation. "They're furious. Especially my mom. LeeCorp's reputation is everything to her."

"But the article..." Keera trailed off, unsure how to articulate the churning emotions within her. Relief that Iñigo believed her, but also a simmering anger at the power his parents wielded.

"The article doesn't prove anything," Iñigo admitted, his gaze flickering to the television screen before returning to her. "But it's enough to make me question Sarah's story. It's too convenient, too perfect."

A slow smile spread across Keera's face. "Finally, someone gets it!"

Iñigo chuckled, a low rumble that sent a shiver down her spine. "So, what's the next step, Detective Mendoza?"

"Detective, huh?" Keera playfully nudged him with her shoulder. "We need more information. We can't just rely on a single news article."

"Then what do you suggest?" Iñigo leaned closer, his hazel eyes sparkling with a determination that mirrored her own.

The closeness of his face sent a jolt through Keera. The warmth of his body radiated across the space between them, making the air crackle with unspoken possibilities. She forced herself to focus.

"The company Sarah mentioned," Keera started, her voice regaining its usual strength. "We need to find out more about them. Maybe even try contacting them."

"Easier said than done," Iñigo countered. "They might be another pawn in LeeCorp's game, silenced with a hefty NDA."

Keera chewed on her bottom lip, contemplating the challenge. "There has to be a way. Maybe we can search for online reviews, disgruntled ex-employees..."

A mischievous glint appeared in Iñigo's eyes. "Or," he said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "we could use my family's little black book to our advantage. Not to get information directly, of course, but maybe to find someone who knows someone who might know something."

Keera's eyes widened. Using Iñigo's family connections to undermine them – was a risky move, but undeniably tempting. "Are you serious?"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Iñigo replied, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Besides, wouldn't it be poetic justice to use their own weapons against them?"

A thrill shot through Keera. This wasn't just about exposing Sarah anymore. It was about fighting back, about taking a stand against the power imbalance that had threatened to consume her.

"Alright, LeeCorp insider," Keera declared with confidence in her voice. "Let's see what dirt you can dig up on your own family."

Iñigo's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and something else – a hint of something deeper that made Keera's breath catch in her throat. As they leaned in closer, their heads hovering over Keera's laptop screen, the flickering light of the movie cast dancing shadows across their faces.


The whirring of the old library printer spat out a single sheet of paper, landing with a soft thud on the table. Keera snatched it up, her eyes scanning the document with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. It wasn't much – a simple business card with a faded logo and a name: Michael Chen, Ex-VP, GreenTech Solutions.

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