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Iñigo's world tilted on its axis. His parents, usually so distant, stood fuming in the school principal's office, their gazes alternating between him and a tearful Keera. His mom, the tech titan known for her cool demeanor, looked like a dragon about to breathe fire. His dad, the reserved LeeCorp CEO, radiated a coldness that sent shivers down Iñigo's spine.

"Iñigo," his mom started, her voice clipped, "we received a very disturbing call from Ms. Carter, Sarah's mother. Apparently, you've been harassing her daughter with wild accusations based on lies spread by this..." she gestured disdainfully at Keera, "this young lady."

Iñigo opened his mouth to protest, but his father cut him off. "Enough, Eleanor. Iñigo, you need to understand the gravity of the situation. Sarah's family is a valued partner of LeeCorp. Publicly accusing them without proof could have serious consequences."

Keera, her eyes red-rimmed, choked out, "But it's true! I have proof—"

"Proof?" Iñigo's mom scoffed. "We've seen the so-called 'evidence.' A grainy video of Sarah leaving detention early proves nothing."

Frustration bubbled up inside Iñigo. His parents, usually so supportive of his independent thinking, were now dismissing him because of Sarah's well-connected family? He glanced at Keera, her shoulders slumped in defeat. He may not have trusted her completely at first, but seeing her ostracized by his parents fueled a surge of protectiveness.

"There's more to the story," Iñigo insisted, his voice surprisingly steady. "Keera and I were investigating—"

"Investigating what?" his dad interrupted. "High school drama? You're a bright boy, Iñigo. Focus on your studies, not chasing shadows."

Shame burned in Iñigo's cheeks. He wasn't some naive kid. He knew his family's influence, the unspoken deals, and social hierarchies. But something about Sarah's story didn't sit right. Now, thanks to his parents' intervention, their investigation was dead in the water.

The principal, a nervous man caught in the crossfire, cleared his throat. "Perhaps a compromise can be reached? Mrs. Mendoza, Mrs. Lee, maybe you could encourage your children to move on from this disagreement."

Iñigo's mom offered a tight smile. "Excellent suggestion, Mr. Thompson. We wouldn't want any further disruption."

As they walked out of the office, the weight of his parents' disapproval hung heavy on Iñigo. Keera walked beside him, a silent wall between them. He wanted to apologize, to explain that he believed her, but the memory of his parents' scorn held him back.

Suddenly, Keera stopped, her back stiff. "Fine," she said, her voice tight with anger. "You believe your parents and Sarah over me. There's nothing left to say."

And with that, she turned and walked away, leaving Iñigo feeling more alone than ever. The seed of doubt his parents had planted was taking root, twisting his initial trust in Keera. Yet, a nagging suspicion lingered. Sarah's story was too neat, too convenient.

Alone in his room that night, Iñigo stared at his phone. Keera's number taunted him from the screen. He longed to reach out, to believe her, but the fear of his parents' reaction held him back.

Then, an idea sparked in his mind. Maybe his parents weren't the only source of information. He pulled up a search engine, his fingers flying across the keyboard. He typed in "LeeCorp embezzlement" – a search term Keera had mentioned before his parents' arrival.

His breath hitched as a recent news article popped up. It detailed a lawsuit against a smaller company, accusing LeeCorp of predatory business practices. The smaller company, it turned out, had the same suspiciously similar name Sarah had mentioned about her father's supposed confession.

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