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The bell shrieked, jolting Keera from her anxious reverie. She scanned the hallway, searching for Joshua's familiar shock of hair, but the corridor was empty. Disappointment gnawed at her, a bitter counterpoint to the thrill of their late-night texts. Finally, with a sigh, she made her way toward English class alone.

Pushing open the classroom door, Keera was met with an unusual sight. Desks were pushed aside, replaced by a makeshift stage adorned with glittery streamers. A hush fell over the class as she entered, all eyes turning towards her. Sarah, perched on a stack of textbooks like a smug queen, flashed a saccharine smile.

"Keera, darling, so glad you could join us!" she purred, her voice dripping with fake sweetness. "We're having a little show and tell today."

Before Keera could voice her confusion, Sarah sashayed towards the front of the class, a triumphant glint in her eyes. She plugged a flash drive into the smart TV mounted on the wall, and a flicker of dread sparked in Keera's stomach.

"Now, class," Sarah announced, her voice dripping with theatricality, "I present to you a glimpse into the life of our very own... recluse."

The screen flickered to life, and Keera's heart plummeted. It was a clip from their movie marathon – a scene where she was doubled over with laughter, popcorn spilling down her shirt. But the laughter, in the harsh light of the classroom, sounded manic, bordering on hysterical. The video was expertly edited, splicing together moments of her most goofy expressions, punctuated by canned laughter and captions like "Keera: Queen of the Basement" and "B-Movie Nightmares."

A wave of humiliation washed over Keera. The laughter that had filled the basement now echoed in the classroom, but this time it was a cruel, mocking sound. Her cheeks burned, and a metallic tang filled her mouth. She stole a glance at Joshua, who sat frozen in his chair, his face pale.

"Sarah!" she hissed, her voice barely a whisper. "What is the meaning of this?"

But Sarah just shrugged, feigning innocence. "Just sharing a little fun, Keera. Don't you have a sense of humor?"

The laughter in the room grew louder, fueled by Sarah's cruel performance. Keera felt tears prickling in her eyes, threatening to spill over. But then, a hand touched hers. Glancing down, she saw Joshua, his jaw clenched in anger.

"Alright, that's enough, Sarah," he said, his voice surprisingly firm. "This isn't funny."

A flicker of surprise crossed Sarah's face, quickly replaced by a sneer. "Oh, come on, Joshua," she scoffed. "Don't tell me you enjoyed that little basement rendezvous."

The classroom erupted in fresh guffaws. Shame burned in Keera's chest, but a spark of defiance ignited alongside it. She wouldn't let Sarah win. Taking a deep breath, she forced her voice to be steady.

"Actually," she said, her gaze fixed on Sarah, "we had a great time. Unlike some people, we don't need popularity or wealth to find enjoyment."

"A great time, huh?" Sarah smiled at her like a wicked witch. "Why don't you ask, Joshua himself?"

"What do you mean?" she stammered, her brow furrowed.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Sarah said with a pointed look, already pulling the flash drive from the smart TV.

Her eyes locked with Joshua's, but his face hardened. Without a word, he pivoted and walked off.

A stunned silence descended upon the class. Sarah's face contorted in fury, and for a moment, it seemed like she might lunge at Keera. But then, the classroom door swung open, and Ms. Thompson, their stern English teacher, entered.

"What in the world is going on here?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife.

The sight of Ms. Thompson sent shivers down Sarah's spine. She stammered an explanation about a "class presentation," but Ms. Thompson was having none of it. With a withering look that could curdle milk, she confiscated Sarah's flash drive and ordered the class to return to their seats.

As the students scrambled back to their desks, Sarah shot Keera a venomous glare before slinking back to her seat.

Keera sank into her chair, the echo of cruel laughter clinging to her like cobwebs. Humiliation turned her cheeks molten, and a fresh wave of self-consciousness washed over her. The video Sarah had shown wasn't just edited to mock her personality; it lingered on clips where her body rippled with every giggle, the way her favorite oversized shirt strained across her stomach now a source of amusement for the entire class. Hot tears welled in her eyes, blurring the image of Ms. Thompson reprimanding Sarah at the front.

Suddenly, a text notification buzzed in her pocket. It was Joshua.

"Hey," his text read, simply. "Can I talk to you after class?"

Keera stared at the message, unsure. Was this a feeble attempt at damage control, or a genuine desire to apologize? She glanced around the classroom. Whispers and giggles still flickered like dying embers, and Sarah kept stealing glances at her, a triumphant smirk playing on her lips.

Taking a fortifying breath, Keera typed back. "Sure. Outside?" The message sent, a fragile hope flickered within her. Maybe there was an explanation. But the cynical part, the part that had been steadily growing throughout the humiliation, whispered doubts.

The bell's shrill cry seemed even harsher than before, its metallic clang echoing the hollowness in Keera's chest. As students shuffled out, Sarah lingered, her gaze locked on Keera with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. A triumphant smirk played on Sarah's lips, a silent victory lap after publicly orchestrating Keera's downfall. Keera forced a chin tilt, refusing to give Sarah the satisfaction of seeing her crumble. Outside, the familiar oak tree, their usual meeting spot, stood sentinel. But beneath its shade, Joshua wasn't waiting with his usual lopsided grin. A knot of apprehension tightened in Keera's stomach. Had he chickened out?

Then, a rustle from the bushes caught her eye. There, hunched low, was Joshua. His face, usually radiating warmth, was etched with a pang of guilt that mirrored the turmoil in her own heart. He looked up, his eyes pleading, a stark contrast to the bravado he'd displayed in class.

"Keera," he started, his voice rough. "I—"

Keera cut him off, the carefully constructed dam of her emotions threatening to burst. "Don't," she said, her voice a choked whisper. "Don't even try to justify it."

Joshua flinched, the hurt in his eyes mirroring her own. "I had to," he mumbled, his voice barely audible.

"Had to?" Keera's voice rose, a tremor of anger lacing its edges. "Had to betray me? Had to humiliate me in front of the entire school?"

Joshua's head hung low, his shoulders slumped in defeat. Shame radiated from him, a stark contrast to Sarah's venomous performance. Keera wanted to scream, to unleash the torrent of emotions churning within her. But a part of her, a part weary from the day's ordeal, craved understanding.

"Who forced you to do this, Joshua?" she asked, her voice softer now, laced with a sliver of hope.

The Weight of You (and Me)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz