24 | Astrodude + Houston - Earthling Holidays

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A/N: Just a funny lil' idea I had. These two are CRIMINALLY underrated in this fandom and I haven't seen much fics on them.

 These two are CRIMINALLY underrated in this fandom and I haven't seen much fics on them

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^ A little thingy that pretty much sums up their entire relationship in Solarballs. This isn't meant to be ship art, it's just supposed to be ironic lol.

- Not entirely canon compliant, this is just for funsies! However, Astrodude is back at "base" back on Earth. He's not let go of being an astronaut, but let's just say Houston actually came and picked Astrodude up from the sea and took him back to base.

- Houston is less of an asshole here. Maybe consider it a "mini-AU".

- I was originally gonna upload this on Christmas, but things happened and I forgot to finish it. But hey, now I have! The timelines kinda screwed up as a result, sorry!

Slightly off topic, but we're seriously missing out on some Houston lore. Like, this guy is front and center for something serious going on in the back, he's in control of everything. More importantly, he has to deal with everything with space including what the other countries are planning to do in the future. Maybe we'll get more of him in the future.

"Astrodude, what are you—"

"DON'T come in!" Astrodude shouted, followed by loud crashing and banging noises from outside. He swore he heard a cat being thrown. "I'm wrapping presents for my family, you can't see!"

"Oooh!" Astrodude heard the office door rattle, and he had to slam his entire body weight against it to stop Houston from barging in and seeing his gifts.

A loud, exasperated groan came from outside. "C'mon! I have to take a piss and now I'm curious because you're not letting me in. Can't I just get a peak—" Houston's muffled voice complained.

"Nope," Astrodude stated firmly. He twisted the door lock, hurriedly finished taping together the wrapping paper, then shoved the gifts under his bed. He had to rush - Astrodude wouldn't trust Houston not to break the door down just to be annoying.

"I don't get why you're doing it yourself!" Houston spoke disdainfully, leaning against the door from the outside. "Just ask Wonder Woman, that's what I always do." In all his months of knowing Houston, Astrodude had a hunch that the nickname 'Wonder Woman' was referring to NASADude.

After confirming that the presents were properly hidden, Astrodude unlocked his door again and met Houston in the outside hallway. He shot a death-glare at the other. "I do it because I want to."

"Why?" Houston asked with a small frown. "Why would you want more work?"

"Cause I didn't have anyone to give them to," Astrodude shrugged. "And because SOMEONE was keeping me from seeing them. I have to go back to space anyway, like you said, so you better be delivering them for me."

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