4 | Solarballs GC

950 22 34

(A/N): This is mostly based off my own group chat with my friends so expect things to be chaotic 💀💀 this one will be a little short, sorry!

Name changed to: hot planetary babes


Jupiter: Wait, what happened to the other name?

Earth: I changed it cause I'm built:different 🥶🥵🤰😩 AH HA

Saturn: Those emoji combinations are confusing

Venus: I don't have the energy for this go throw some asteroids at Mars or something

Mars: Weren't you the one scolding us earlier about doing that lmao?

Earth: he's SUSSY af 👺🥶

Venus: Earth you do not need to be constantly endangering everyone else every five seconds

Earth: Yeah I do its a medical condition called "deez"

Venus: oh god guys don't ask him what it is

Mars: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

Mercury: What's deez?

Uranus: Dude don't



Jupiter: Mercury, honey, just... dont.

Venus: NO 💀


Neptune: it watches 👁️

Uranus: ?? Huh

Earth: Neptune enough with the cryptic scriptures

Saturn: Who's watching?? I don't get it.

Venus: Nobody

Earth: Neptune youre okay right?

Venus: it's "you're" dumbass get youre grammar right bozo

Jupiter: Venus, you also got it wrong as well.

Earth: blud do you even know the difference? 💀 "you're" is a contraction of "you are" and "your" is a possessive adjective so I'm right. Get "YOUR grammar right" makes much more since than "get YOU ARE grammar right" 💀

Also imagine using "bozo" in 2024? Most original insult

Mercury: I can't do this right now -_-

Jupiter: What Mercury said ^

Venus: I'm betting ten bucks you just googled that

Earth: And I bet twenty that you couldn't even comprehend this extensive universal rocket science knowledge even if you googled it first

(A/N): By the way, yeah, he googled it.

Uranus: Come on mates we can't be arguing over grammar, we're better than this

Saturn: Hey guys I'm back!

Saturn: Wait what's deez?

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