6 |Earth + Venus - "A Bad Argument"

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Requested by my friend on Discord!
A/N: This is angst with a happy ending! It'll also switch POV's so you can get both sides of the story. Pun intended??
- side note, I'm not too sure when this takes place. It's not really meant to fit into any canon event.

"YOU DON'T CARE!" Venus accused, "HAVE YOU JUST BEEN FAKING OUR FRIENDSHIP THIS ENTIRE TIME!?" the red-orange planet slammed the stack of cards down on the table with a loud thud. They had been going at this for a good five minutes now, and it all started from a stupid argument over which planet was cooler.

"I'M SO DONE WITH THIS!" Earth shouted back furiously. He glared back at Venus, angry tears pricking at the celestial body's eyes. He couldn't stand him, he was such a jerk! At least- in Earth's eyes. Mercury and Mars just looked on in shock, knowing better than to get involved.

"WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? SO AM I! YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE!" Venus' voice raised and cracked at the end, despite all the anger he let loose. Most of their arguments were small and just petty business that they usually got over fairly quickly. They were never this intense or this serious before.

Earth was taken aback at first, but quickly regained enough composure to keep yelling. "OH, SHUT UP! YOU'RE MAKING THINGS SOUND DRAMATIC, LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO YOU CONTROL FREAK!! LEARN TO MANAGE YOUR OWN TEMPER BEFORE TALKING TO ME!" Earth shot back with a hiss, death staring Venus that could've burnt through the other. Earth was practically shaking with anger, his eyes narrowing into slits. He knew he went too far there.

"WHY DON'T YOU WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN DAMN PROBLEMS, YOU FUCKING FREAK!?"  Venus screamed, which definitely hit the nail in the coffin. His voice sounded more angry, letting his emotions flow. "YOU'RE NOT FUCKING SPECIAL FOR HAVING LIFE!" he continued, breaking down from stress. He wanted to beat Earth up so badly.

Silver tears slid down Earth's face as he fled the area, a sob escaping him. Did that fight really just happen? It felt like a horrible, awful nightmare. God, he hoped it was. He ran behind a cluster of asteroids and flung himself onto the "floor", desperately pinching himself. Yet nothing happened. More tears spilled from Earth's eyes and he shook uncontrollably. It wasn't a nightmare. He couldn't just... wake up and forget everything he just said, and everything Venus had said to him.

Why did I say all of that? Earth thought miserably, internally cursing himself. He called me out for my own behavior and I called him a control freak. He realized guiltily. His anger began to slowly fade, ebbing into sadness, tiredness, and loneliness. He felt more tears drop from his eyes, running down his face and landing beside him. For a moment, Earth just laid down across the ground on his back, silently sobbing.

Suddenly, Earth heard footsteps approaching, followed by a familiar voice. "Earth? Are you okay?" It wasn't Venus' voice. Disappointment washed over him. So he hadn't come to apologize. Instead, it had been Jupiter's voice. The gas giant was always there to comfort him and give him helpful advice, so Earth understood why he would come to check up on him.

"Y-yeah..." Earth choked out, stuttering and shaking. He slowly got up and fumbled over to Jupiter, tears still fresh in his eyes. He looked up to see Jupiter, who had a concerned look on his face. Jupiter studied Earth's expression for a moment, trying to make a guess on what had happened.

"Are you sure? You don't look okay." Jupiter pointed out gently. "I'm not sure what happened, but I don't think you should be out of your orbit. You know, with your Earthlings and all," he advised. He was right, Earth really shouldn't have been anywhere near the asteroid belt,

"I- I got into a fight with Venus and we both said... bad things to each other. And I just.. ran away." Earth explained, puffing out a sigh as he crossed his arms with a somber expression. Jupiter listened, his eyes softening as he took in the information.

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