9 | Neptune + Uranus - "Catch Me If You Can!"

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A/N: Firstly, back on my writing grind! I have a couple requests to get to but while I'm working on those, have this lil thing I wrote during class a week ago. Secondly, this isn't meant to be romantic. I'm pretty sure they're implied to be cousins, and I don't write proships 💀💀 (seriously, proshippers DNI.) Thirdly (is that even a word?) this swaps between both Uranus' and Neptune's perspectives, respectively. I hope I portrayed their personalities well.

(By the way, the art above isn't  ship art either

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(By the way, the art above isn't  ship art either. It's js based off that one Solarballs fan animation where Uranus tries destroying all his moons— except for Miranda, cause she's his best friend!)

Enjoy the oneshot :]

Uranus was sloppily writing in his diary, his grip on the pen loose as it glided across the paper. Things were all the same for him. He was pretty lonely right now as he didn't have anyone to really talk to. Then again, he didn't think he'd get much out of a conversation with anyone. In the distance, he heard rapidly approaching footsteps, but he passed it off as one of his moons orbiting around him. Until—

"HEYA NEIGHBORINO!!" a familiar voice shouted out. That. It was that. Neptune bounded towards him, his eyes glittering with excitement as he tried to get a glance at Uranus' diary. Uranus quickly turned away, flipping it in one hand the opposite from Neptune.

Uranus let out a faint sigh under his breath. "Hey, Neptune..." he returned, his voice a little strained. He chanced a look back at his diary in his other hand. The ink of the pen he used earlier had bled through at least four pages. AUGH! At that moment, Uranus swore bloody vengeance on whoever designed pens that bled through paper and swore to one day bite their head off in their sleep. He bit his tongue, shutting his diary as he turned back towards Neptune. "Did you need anything..?"

Neptune smiled as Uranus looked back at him, his eyes flicking from the diary in Uranus' hand back to his face. "Where'd you get a diary from? I thought that was an Earthling thing," he asked with a glint of curiosity sparking in his stare.

Uranus said nothing for a moment, his ice blue eyes flat, but finally spoke in a muffled voice. "It wasn't hard. You can always find materials somewhere in the Solar System," he answered listlessly. Well, that didn't answer anything. It was still enough to make Neptune happy, it was the most words he heard from Uranus in awhile.

Feeling giddy around his favorite planet (platonic), Neptune grinned at him as an idea sparked in his head, he then put a small amount of space in between them. "Hey Uranus! I bet..." he paused, suddenly zooming to the left. "...I bet you can't catch me!" he threw challengingly over his shoulder, swallowing down a dizzy giggle.

Uranus stared at Neptune, his eyes widening then squinting in a slightly pouty look. "I'm not gonna—" he started derisively, but then he stopped himself. He missed interacting with his cousin. "...Ah, screw it."

With that, Uranus let his diary fall to the 'ground' with a thump. In one fluid motion, Uranus shot after Neptune, brushing his side to tip the darker blue planet off balance. Rolling onto the ground, Neptune had a glimpse of Uranus approaching him before Neptune quickly scrambled out of the way.

With a mischievous grin, Neptune dashed off into the outer solar system, his laughter trailing behind him like a ribbon in the wind. Uranus was undeterred and quick to give chase, drawing closer to Neptune with each stride. Despite Uranus' efforts, Neptune ducked and dodged with nearly unbeatable agility.

Uranus was surprisingly speedy and direct, all his moves light as a feather with taut power crackling just below the surface. Neptune couldn't stop himself from laughing as he ran, sending daring remarks and "you're too slow's" behind him. His laughter was one day gonna be the death of him, as it was literally making him almost trip over himself.

Finally, Uranus tackled Neptune with a burst of speed, pushing him onto the packed space below their feet. Unable to stop giggling, Neptune shoved him away, letting out a wheezing breath, but it stilled in his throat as he heard the faintest sound of laughter coming from his cousin.

Neptune looked beside him, his mind being full of the soft smile traced across Uranus' face. It was infectious, and Neptune didn't really see Uranus genuinely smile all that much. Well, he had before, but this..? This was different. It was a small gesture, a mere curve of his lips, yet it carried the warmth of a thousand suns. Ironic, wasn't it, coming from the coldest planet. In Neptune's eyes, Uranus' happiness in this moment alone rivaled the Sun himself.

Uranus was lying on his back, not noticing Neptune staring at him. He seemed so... carefree, a twinkle in his eyes that was usually blotted out. Uranus was slightly kicking his feet, gripping his chest as he tried not to laugh too hard and end up having a massive coughing fit.

"Neptune! Did you see that, I just—" But when he saw Neptune looking at him, he froze. As quickly as it had come, the laughter slowly began to fade like a fleeting dream. Neptune watched in confusion as Uranus blinked uncertainly a few times, before the dull look from before returned.

Neptune had a half-smile on his face as he sat up, beginning to get back up. Uranus followed a couple seconds after. The cyan planet was staring at the ground as he padded along, a stormy expression darkening his face. Hesitating for a second, Neptune leaned over and gently bumped him with his shoulder, causing his head to jerk up.

"I take what I said back," Neptune murmured, locking eyes with Uranus and giving a small grin. "I was wrong, you did catch me, after all, Shelly." Not many people used that nickname for Uranus, it was kind of exclusively for Neptune to call him.

Uranus gazed at him, slowing down as he walked. The smile from before didn't return, but the clouds cleared away a little and the tension in his eyes lightened. He nudged Neptune in return.

"I could say the same for you, Bluey."

Thank you sincerely to anyone who bothered to read till the end. Seriously, means a lot! I wish there were as many words in the English language I could use right now to express my thanks. But for now, I'm just gonna show this quick sketch I made of Uranus as a show of my gratitude :]

 But for now, I'm just gonna show this quick sketch I made of Uranus as a show of my gratitude :]

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I cant tell If I like Uranus' hair the way it is. For now I'll say it's alright. After that bittersweet-ish ending, i want Uranus to smile more. He looks good with one!

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