Twenty eight

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"Good morning, Linda." Val beams, and I cannot wrap my head around what she is so happy about. Now we're both definitely going to get killed.

"Hello Valerie. Danny I asked you a question. What did Jake do?" she repeats slowly, folding her arms across her chest, a serious expression on her face.

I swallow, and sweat trickles down my spine. I should have just told her the truth in the beginning, when I was still angry. Now I'm scared again, and I don't think it's worth it.

What's the saying? Snitches get stitches? End up in ditches?

I want to lie, but it is lying that got me into this mess in the first place. Thankfully, Val is here, and smart enough for the both of us.

I just need to buy her some time.

"Mum when can I go home? I feel alot better today," I say to change the subject, and widen my eyes at Val. She knows immediately that I'm telling her to think of something.

She shakes her head, and I purse my lips. It would be delightful if she told mum the truth for me...she has nothing to lose. She already does not like Jake, and he cannot do anything to her anyway.

"Uh, Danny, I'll let you guys sort this out, okay? See you later," she says suddenly, mouths a sorry, and then bolts out the door.


"Well the doctor wants to run some tests on you first but he says you can go today. You're stable. Now are you going to talk? Or do I have to make you?" she asks again, eyes narrowed, lips pressed in a tight line.

I shiver. "Well, uh...he, well—"

"Not here." I say, and breathe a sigh of relief as my designated nurse walks in, followed by a new doctor.

She smiles, tells me this is not over and stands aside as the doctor gets busy checking my eyes, reflexes, and heart.

"How are you feeling, Daniel?" he asks, and I smile.

Okay, maybe I don't want to leave just yet. They just had to go and assign me this tall, hot,—he looks like he could be a college intern—doctor on my last day here, didn't they?

"Much better, thank you." I say, willing my heart to stop thudding against my rib cage. He's attractive, but I'm sure he's straight.

Besides, I'm already seeing someone, for god's sake.

"Great. I take it your mother told you we are set to discharge you today?"

I nod. His voice is so soothing.

"Yes, well, before we do, we need to run a few more checks, and an x ray, considering most of the damage was to your ribcage. If you would?"

He points to the wheelchair by my bed and the nurse helps me down. I sit, and she wheels me out and into one of those x-ray rooms.

They tell me what I'm supposed to do and then both leave the room.

Okay, this is good, I think as I stand up, pull the hospital gown over my head and hug the machine to my chest.

I have a bit of time to make up a good story about what Jake supposedly did.

"Daniel? I said you can let go and get redressed now," the doctor says, and I nod.

"Sorry, I was absent minded." I tell him as the nurse wheels me out of that room and into another right adjacent to it, where he's standing, leaning against a desk.

"That's okay. These tests can be a bit stressful. Just a few more says here on your file that you were mildly concussed. Do you have any headaches?"

I shake my head no.

"Are you tired all the time?"

I shake my head.


No again.

"And your chest, can you describe how it feels?" 

"It only hurts when I move too much or like, take deep breaths," I tell him as he leans down and presses the stethoscope onto my chest, and smile nervously when he looks up at me uncomfortably.

"Can you breathe in and hold it for me?"

I nod, and take a deep breathe. HE is the one causing my heart to race like this, so why is he looking at me like I'm the weird one?

He straightens, writes something down on the clipboard and smiles. "All good."

I twiddle my thumbs in my lap and chew on my lip as he wheels me back to my room. I still have nothing to say to mum.

"Is he alright, doctor? When can I take him home?" she asks as soon as the door closes behind me.

"Well you can take him home today but he will need to take it easy for a while. I've prescribed some painkillers for the pain in his chest, and I'll be right back with the discharge papers." he says, excusing himself.

She waits outside as I put on the clothes she has brought for me and brush my teeth. When I'm dressed, she comes back in, the doctor behind her.

"Okay, here are your medicines and some respiratory exercises you should do to get you feeling better again. You'll have to come back in for a review in a week but remember, take it easy. Nothing too extreme, or hard for a bit."

I don't miss the look he gives me, and my eyes widen with shock. I don't like it when straight men are aware of just how attractive they are, and especially when they intentionally tease the gays.

"I...yeah, yeah—" I stutter, rubbing my neck to hide just how red it actually is.

"What he means, doctor, is thank you for everything." mum cuts in, hands him the signed discharge papers and looks at me funny.

After settling the bill, she links her arm through mine and we walk out the door. The summer sunshine warms my skin, and the fresh air feels great as it fills my lungs. I wait as mum brings the car around, and then get into the backseat. She keeps stealing glances at me through the rear view, and I know what is on her mind before she even says it.

Granted each time we are together we are talking, the drive home is pretty quiet, because we both have so much on our minds right now.

We don't even make the awkward 'how is school's or 'how have you been holding up lately' small talk. She already knows the answers to all those questions.

"Can we get Starbucks? I'm starving, and I really need a real meal right now," I say suddenly, trying to ease the tension in the car.

"Are you going to tell me what Jake did?" she asks, and I lower my head and clench my fists.

"Okay then. I'll make you something when we get home," she says, and I look at her. Is she really willing to starve the truth out of me?

We pull into the driveway just minutes later, and my palms start to sweat. If I was going to say what I had to say, it was not only Jake losing here. I would have to tell them the truth about me too, and I do not think I'm ready for that just yet.

This is bad. This is really bad.

"Careful," mum says, helping me out of the car.  I stumble up the steps on the porch, the strength draining from my legs, and open the door to the house.

The T.V is on, and dad is drinking coffee and reading the morning paper. He does not even look up as I pass and sit down.

"Is Jake home?" mum asks as she enters, and he hums.

"Jake, come down here please." she yells up the stairs, switching off the TV. Almost immediately he appears at the top of the stairs.

I avoid his gaze and wring my hands in my lap, a cold sweat breaking out on my back. As soon as he sees me, he knows.

"Fuck." He mumbles as he walks past me and sits down.

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