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To be a hundred percent honest, I am getting better at this job thing, and starting to like it too.

Aside from my literal Boy Who Cried Dog-Wolf hybrid incident, everything else has been surprisingly delightful here. Even Kyra, considering my first opinion of her.

On the manager's insistence, me and Kyra work side by side now—it is for the best. I take all the behind the counter orders, and she mans the tables.

At first, she hated that I made her work extra hours, and she swore never to let me live it down, but after they increased her pay to almost double and added Fridays to my work days, she's okay now. Since we work at the same times, we also have our lunch break together, during which I force her to tell me about herself, and I tell her about me.

I know that she is the lead singer in a band called Electric Skyline, she's a high school senior, and has lived with her sister ever since her mum walked out on them, right after her dad did the same. She knows about my family—except the part where I want them to fuck me, of course and Val. I also know that she's really smart, and gives great advice.

We have our lunch break for half an hour, during which the cafe is closed. At first, we worried that it would be bad for business, but dogs love it here, and people love their dogs, so much so that they will stand, under the scorching summer heat until we flip the sign again.

Needless to say, my social skills have never been even average, but now, I interact with people more, I am slowly, emphasis on the slowly, getting over my fear of dogs, i am making friends, and it feels so good to be able to buy my own shit without having to ask my parents or waiting on my allowance first.

I also get eight hours a day, three days a week out of the house and away from Jake and Austin.

There are no downsides, and I would never say this to his face, but this might be the best thing my dad has ever done for me in my entire life. I am happy, and so much less miserable.

Okay, maybe there is one downside. My legs hurt like hell from having to stand half the day, but thank God, I have a whole three day weekend to recover. I also take every chance to sit down, even calls from my best friend that I know I'm not going to answer.

"You know, you should really talk to her," Kyra says as Val calls me for the third time today, and I let it ring out.

I shake my head. "I am doing this for her. I don't want to be a distraction," I say as we clean up the last of the dog bowls, before we have to close and go home for the day.

Kyra drops me off after we close, and my phone vibrates in my pocket all the way there. I check it after I close the front door behind me. There's an addition to the string of grey messages from Val, and my heart breaks as I read them.

V: I know you're still pissed. I'm sorry.
V: omg just got here D. It's amazing.
V: there's a girl from England here.
V: please, I'm sorry. Say something.
V: I'll send pics as soon as I can.

I don't reply to any of them. It hurts me not being able to talk to her, but maybe she was right. Maybe I need to learn not to be so dependent on her. What would happen if we went to different colleges? What would happen when she got married?

I go to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of lemonade. I want so badly to open is Friday, and I'm all alone at home, and dying to feel something that is not my rubber vibrator inside me.

But I cannot. It would be so much harder to explain if anyone came home and found me alone with a man, especially now that Austin is here. I don't think I can convince the both of them. It's so much easier during school—all you have to say is you have a project with them, and nobody asks questions.

Once again, the dildo will just have to do. Fuck, nobody tells you being in the closet is so fucking hard.

I go upstairs and shower, because I thought it would be fun to go out in a sweatshirt in the summer this morning, and then after I lock the front and back doors, I go down to the basement and pull the shoe box from under the floorboard.

The dildo is halfway up my ass when I hear the basement door creak, and footsteps come down the stairs. I keep it there, my eyes closed as I find my prostate, and grab the arms of the couch as dirty, lustful moans escape my lips.


Oh shit.

I know that voice, but I know for a fact that I am imagining it. It does not make any sense that he is here, because I was alone a few seconds ago. How the fuck is he here?

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Let this please just be a hallucination from being in the heat all day, or a bad dream.

My eyes shoot open, and when they meet Austin's, my dick instantly shrinks.


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