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I do not realize how long I've been down here until my stomach rumbles and my phone's battery dies, and I figure Austin needs something to change into.

The sun is already fully up as I pull the laundry from the dryer, fold it and carry it up to the guest bedroom.

Hey Austin, I'm done with your—"

"WHOA!" we both yell as I walk in on Austin, with nothing on but a towel around his neck. You would think by now I would have learnt my lesson about barging through doors without knocking.

His hair is wet and spiky from his shower, and I  inhale sharply as my eyes drop on their own. I was so, utterly, completely wrong. Austin is not over compensating for what I thought he was. No.

It turns out, his big dick energy is not fake at all.

His semi hard and utterly gigantic cock juts outward  at me, a tiny bit of precome glistening at the tip, and it is just begging for some attention. Did I really just think that?

I try, but I cannot help but take in the rest of him. Fuck, he is so ripped, he looks photoshopped.

My mouth waters as I stand and stare, the basket of laundry in my hands, and he struggles to cup his groin in his hands. I have to bite down on my tongue to stop myself from telling him it won't fit.

Finally he gets the towel around his waist, breaking my trance only momentarily. There's still a really huge bulge in the front of the towel.

"Uhm, your laundry." I say, drop the basket on his bed and practically bolt out of his room and go to mine. He definitely noticed me checking him out, and I think he just might have let me.

After putting my phone on the charger and taking a few puffs on my inhaler, I go back downstairs to make, well...breakfast.

"I'm going to make breakfast. Do you want anything?" I ask Jake as I pass the living room.

"Why? Why do you want to make me breakfast? So you can find something else to add to the list that you can do and I can't for the next family dinner?" he says back bitterly, sitting up to face me as I finish the stairs.

He too is wearing only some very tiny shorts, his naked torso shining with post workout sweat.

"What is wrong with the men in this house today and going around naked?"

I ask out loud, and he looks at himself, and then asks me what the hell I am talking about. Shit.

"Just mind your business, jeez!" I snap at him. He follows me to the kitchen, and something tells me he is not going to let this one go, so I rain check on breakfast. I'm not hungry enough to have a confrontation right now. Besides, Austin will probably tell him all about it later, and then they can compare notes from when it happened to him also.

I grab another iced coffee from the fridge and go back upstairs to my room, completely ignoring every one of his questions, lock my door and turn on my phone. There's five missed calls from Val, and I panic and try to remember if once again, we had plans as I call her.

I exhale with relief when she picks up.

"Hey Val, thank goodness you called. I have had THE worst two days in the history of well...forever," I blab, sipping loudly on my drink, and forgetting she was the one that called first.

"And I can't wait to hear all about it, but first, I have something to tell you." she says seriously, and nervously.

"Okay, go," I say, and she inhales.

"Danny, remember that music camp I showed you on the last day of school?"

"Yeah, what about it?" I ask, sitting down on my bed.

"Well, what would you say if I told you I got in?" she asks unsurely, and I chuckle.

"Are there any wrong answers?" I ask, and she says to just tell her. Just for the record, if this friendship ends today, it was her fault. She asked for it.

I sigh. "Well, I'd say you were lying to me, because you yourself said it was near impossible to get into, and let's face it, Val... you're not that good at music," I regret the words as soon as they tumble out of my mouth.

To fill the silence, I change the topic and tell her everything that happened at dinner last night, and the talk I had with my dad after.

"Well maybe a job is a good idea, you know to make new friends," she tells me instead of just saying I'm right and he's wrong like she usually does.

"We already talked about this, Val. No new friends," I say and chuckle awkwardly because this is weird. Why is she suddenly talking about new friends? Is she actually going to end our friendship because of what I said about her music?

"Danny, I need to tell you something, but I need you to promise me that you won't get angry or be pissed," she says quickly.

"Mm hmm," I answer, incapable of real words. Getting angry and being pissed are the same thing, so I'm definitely getting angry.

"I was accepted at the camp, Danny. It was a long shot but I got in! I was not going, but now that you found something to do with your summer—"

I stop listening. She sounds elated, like this is a good thing. Yes, she's my best friend, and I know I am supposed to be happy for her and this is incredibly selfish of me, but what happens when she becomes a big shot star and has no time for me anymore? Who am I supposed to rant to everyday after work about my problems?

What happens when she finds someone she likes better than me at camp, and doesn't want to be best friends or even just friends with me when she comes back?

You know how when you ask what else could possibly go wrong and then like the worst thing on the list happens? Yeah, this is my moment. I thought after Jake, dad, and now Austin it could not get worse, but now, I stand corrected.

"D? Are you still there?" She asks after almost a minute's silence.

"Yeah. Super happy for you, Val. I have to go, I have to get back to this thing I was doing." I say and immediately hang up before I start to cry.

V: I'm sorry :(
V:You said you would not be mad
V: I promise I'll call and text everyday
V: it's still a couple of hours before I leave, maybe we can do something?

No of course I don't want to do 'something'. She's just going to be feeling sorry for me the whole time.

I turn my phone off as she blows it up with more messages. I need her to understand I cannot talk to her right now.

Fuck this. Well then, I'd better pull out my khakis and linen shirts and go get me this job.

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