Part 39: The Future

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Currently, I'm home waiting for Billie to come over for the first time in a week. I've been living on my own again and I hate it, I've been hanging out with the boys and my other friends so much. Billie and I have been talking everyday but I need to see her. I've been making my house look spotless and honestly I'm not sure why I'm so nervous.

I finally finish and put the kettle on when I hear a knock.

Opening the door I see Billie looking gorgeous "hey" I say

"Hey baby why do you sound nervous" she says laughing and kissing me on the cheek.

We walk to the kitchen "you're pretty I can't help it"

She smiles "you know we're dating right?"

"Well yeah" I laugh "Tea?"

"Y/N it's 80 something outside I'm ok" she says so I shrug and continue making my drink "I've missed you"

"I'm so glad you said that I didn't want to sound needy" I say kissing the top of her head before sitting next to her and placing a hand on her thigh

"Even my mom said she misses you" Billie says

"I miss Maggie too, I've been texting her" I admit

"Since when you do have her number"

"Since forever, we're besties" I tease "how's Finneas and Claudia, he said he's been busy"

"They're both really good, Finneas is making music as always" she says as I carry on drinking my tea. "We're ok aren't we?" she asks

"Billie I've been thinking about this" I say

"Please Y/N" she says with pleading eyes

"No baby not like that I love you" I say smiling

"Oh I love you too what is it"

"I've missed you a lot and we spend so much time together already, we've been dating for a while now. I want to move in together" I explain

"Fuck really?" She says excitedly and I nod "of course Y/N" she jumps out of her chair and hugs me, peppering my face with kisses

"I want us to find a house together" I say

"Why don't we just move into one of our houses?" She asks

"Because if I move into your house I'm too far from my band and if you move into here you're too far from your family and I want it to be perfect for both of us" I explain

"You're so thoughtful" she says "when do you want to start looking"

"How about now, let me grab my laptop let's go sit in the livingroom put that car show on" I quickly finish my drink and run to grab my laptop.

When I enter the living room I sit next to Billie, put my feet up and wrap my arm around her back to begin typing.

"So I think around here is half way between, what do you think" I ask Billie as she tears her eyes away from the screen

"There's a nice neighbourhood there" she says "I think my dad knows a realtor who's works round there" she grabs her phone and calls her dad. If there's one thing about Billie it's that she's professional and can get things done. She hangs up the call with her dad and calls up the realtor putting him on speaker.

"Hey Mike, this is Billie my dad Patrick gave me your number" She says

"Hey Billie haven't seen you since you were little how's life" he replies, he sounds nice!

"Good thanks been very busy. I'm actually looking to move into a property in the areas you manage. It's needs to be private"

"Of course any other specifications?" He asks

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now