Part 12: The Plans

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Billie looks at me for a moment. A very long moment... making me nervous. I knew it was too soon I just couldn't wait.

"Stop over thinking I would love to be your girlfriend" she says practically throwing herself into my arms. After squeezing me into a hug, Billie settles between my legs with her back to me. We don't talk and just listen to the waves. Innocently I rub my thumb against her thighs.

"I could sit in this moment forever" I say

"Me too" she smiles back at me, kissing me. "You're my girlfriend" she says. "This my bitch" she adds in a low voice making me laugh.

After a while of enjoying each other's company, we walk hand in hand to my car, I put the basket back into my backseat and I get in. Placing my hand on Billies thigh again we bask in the beauty of the moment, driving down the coast with the windows down in a beautiful car.

We get to her house and I get out to hug her. "Stay?" She says as a statement rather than a question.

"Yes ma'am" I reply making her smirk. Knowing this may happen, I pull a backpack out of my trunk and we head inside. As if tradition we sit down to watch a movie.

About half way through, Billie places her hand on my thigh. I look down at her hand and then to her but her eyes are glued to the screen. I look down again shuffle into her more and give her forehead a gentle kiss. This makes her look up at me. After staring deeply at each other I connect our lips in a sweet manner. But Billie instantly deepens the kiss making it more passionate. She spins round to place her thighs either side of me, straddling me. I naturally place my hands on her thighs, running them up to her hips.  Slipping my hands underneath her T-shirt I breakaway from the kiss to say:
"Can I take this off"

She hums into my lips and I pull away to discard her top, letting my hands roam. She moans into the kiss, before stopping attaching her mouth to my neck, bitting and using her tongue to soothe over. She's definitely going to leave a mark, but I don't care because I'm now hers. Pulling away from my neck she says "let's take this upstairs". Gladly letting her take control she drags me up the stairs.


"You definitely had sex last night you're glowing" River teases as we look for engagement rings.

"I don't kiss and tell River" I say

"That means yes, besides she's got a massive hickey on this side of her neck" Grayson says making me blush and feel like a teenager getting caught out.

"That's why I'm wearing a hoodie, god I hope we don't get papped" I say tightening the strings on the hoodie Billie had given me this morning

"I think it would be worse if my girlfriend saw photos of me buying her a ring" River says to which I hum in agreement

After shopping around we find the perfect ring in Rivers price range. Purchasing it, we have an hour before we have a photoshoot scheduled. We scramble into Graysons bmw before parking up at a diner near the photoshoot spot. Sitting at a table we order drinks to talk about the proposal.

"What if you got a plane with a banner" Grayson suggests

"How am I supposed to do that in under a week" River says

"I don't think proposals have to be a massive show it's more about the sentiment" I add

"Little miss romantic lost her spark, I thought things were going well with Billie" River asks

"They are I asked her to be my girlfriend last night, she planned a picnic on the beach at sunset" I explain showing a photo of us cuddled up

"That's romantic as fuck y/n" Grayson says "whats Mia's favourite things"

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now