Part 30: The Album Reveal part 2

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After another fantastic month of basically living with my girlfriend and beginning to start up work again, it's finally Billies album release day, it comes out at midnight tonight and she's releasing her music video for lunch which I had the pleasure of staring in.

When I wake up Billie is still sprawled next to me asleep so I decide to get up and get her breakfast. I change into a pair of joggers and a black T-shirt and leash up shark to walk to the nearest vegan cafe.

On the way I see a man approach me

"Y/N how's it going" he smiles with a camera shoved in my face. How the paparazzi find celebrities I'll never know

"Good thanks man" I say pulling sunglasses out my pocket. It's too early for this

"You're about to go on tour how do you feel about that" he questions

"Excited, can't wait to see all the fans and spend a two months with my best friends"

"What about your girlfriend Billie are you still together" he says

"Yeah" I reply shortly, I don't want this guy knowing everything

"How did you meet?" He asks

"Bumped into her at a party, have you seen her I knew I had to wife her up" I joke

"Her album is coming out tonight right? tell her I said congrats" he says as I almost enter the cafe.

"Will do" I laugh

After ordering breakfast, I wait and quickly scope out if the paparazzi is still outside. Thankfully he's not. In the meantime I text Finneas about the plans, of course they've got a big party planned.
I hear my name being called so I grab the food and make my way home.

Getting back in, Billie is still asleep so I decide to wake her up. Sitting next to her I rub her back gently, tracing the lines of her tattoo

"Good morning Billie it's album day, I got you breakfast" I say

She groans and stretches before sitting up rubbing her eyes. How she manages to be so cute yet so hot I'll never understand.

"Breakfast?" She rasps

"Yeah I walked shark to that place you like" I say before kissing her

"This is why I'm in love with you" she smiles into the kiss before pulling away. In that moment shark jumps into the bed and smoothers Billie in his kisses. "Yeah love you too"

We enter the kitchen and begin eating the food I just pick up.

"A guy shoved his camera on my walk this morning" I tell her

"What did he say" she says concerned

"Told him I was excited for tour, that as soon as I saw you I knew I'd wife you up and that he personally sends his congratulations on the album" I say nonchalantly

"I'll have to thank him" she jokes "Hold on you told him you wifed me up"

"Yes?" I say cautiously

"That's very presumptuous we've been dating for what 5 months" she says squinting at me

"What can I say I'm a woman who knows what she wants" I continue to eat

"Do you want kids someday?" She asks

The question takes me by surprise but when I look up at her from my food I confidently say "I would love to have kids" she smiles at me "what about you"

"I think I'd like to but in the very far future" she says

"Agreed, Shark is enough for now" I say picking up our plates to clean up.

"I've just got a bit of press and social media stuff to do and I'll be ready to go" she says

"No problem baby" I say giving her a kiss on the head before she disappears into her office

With the time I have I decide to interact on social media. Opening my Tik tok I instantly find the viral Chihiro audio courtesy of my girlfriend. I set up my phone and dance with Shark to the clip before watching it back and posting it.
It almost instantly blows up. Having a famous girlfriend is really obvious when you post on socials.

Deciding that I will not be opening tik tok for a while I wonder into Billies mini studio for a while.

Sitting at her piano I play a few things that I've been learning. I've barely been playing piano for over a year but recently I've been practicing a lot more.

I decide to post a video of me playing and singing the bridge to our song about you. Give the fans a little something of Blue moon music.

I record the short video and post it before going onto fan account and liking a few posts and reposting some things, making sure to switch over to the blue moon account reposting my video and interacting on there.

I go back to playing piano, deciding to learn one of billies songs, settling on what was I made for. After reading through the sheet music and playing around I decide to play it in full.

When I finish playing I here light clapping "I'm impressed baby" she says sitting with me on the piano bench

"You're the genius behind the song, I've just been learning" I say "why don't we do a quick cover?"

"You know what let's do it" she says "I'll do a 4 minute Instagram live" she places her phone above the piano so it can see us both. She starts the live and I start playing the piano, instantly thousand of people join.

She starts singing and immediately my heart skips a beat, she's so insanely talented and I rarely get to hear her sing properly. When the song ends I play the last chord and smile at her when she smiles back I feel nothing but love.

"Hit me hard and soft comes out at midnight tonight!" She says looking back at her phone

"Go pre save it right now" I add

"Love yall byeee" she says before ending it and putting her phone in her pocket

"That might actually be my favourite song of yours"

"Really?" She asks

"I do love you preforming therefore I am"

"And whys that baby?" She questions

"I think you know why" I say before she pulls my shirt in for a kiss deeping it

I wrap my arm around her back bringing her to straddle my waist. Her hands move to my cheeks as I lift her up and take her up to her bedroom.


A few hours later, Billie and I are finally getting ready for her album release tonight.

"I don't know what to wear" Billie groans

"Something hot" I say wiggling my eyebrows

"Y/N Y/L/N we've just had sex for like 3 hours and you're acting like that" she says staring at me

"I can't help it when you look like that" I say waving my hands to gesture up and down her body.

She decides to throw on a blue corset and black oversized cargo jeans. I put on a tight fitted graphic tee and matching cargos to Billie but in blue that I stole from her closet. Thank god she buys everything oversized because then I can fit into her short ass clothes.

Finneas and Claudia arrive to pick us up and we head to the party. Billie gives a short speech

"Thank you everyone for coming, this album is like a reinvention of myself, I've really tried to come to terms with who I am now and who I'm becoming, obviously I came out and got into my amazing relationship" her speech makes me smile and I heard someone cheer and whistle I look over of course it's River and Grayson. "I hope you enjoy the album, but I'm gonna get wastedddd"

As she finishes they play her album mixing some songs in between. Honestly if we weren't waved right now and I wasn't so focused on dancing with Billie, I would be freaking out over the celebrities here right now. Zoe kravitz ? Gracie Abrahams? Olivia Rodrigo? It makes me happy that she has so many friends she can relate to but damn.

Overall the night ended with the album releasing to the work and Billie and I getting very drunk.

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now