Part 26: The Morning After

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I wake up a year older, I am now 23 years old. Billie and I are both naked tangled up in both each other and the sheets however she is still softly snoring which of course I take a photo of. I definitely have a hangover and could eat a horse right now.

I gently rub Billies back while saying "Goodmorning baby"

She brings her arm up and moves some hair off her face, before returning back to her previous position.

I stop rubbing her back and say "we've got to get up we do have guests" however in response I get a grunt and her grabbing my arm to continue on her back."I stand by my statement, your back tattoo is hot"

She stretches and sits up a little. "Thank you my love" she says

"That's what woke you up me complimenting you" I say

"Yep" she reply's before getting out of bed and disappearing into my wardrobe to throw some clothes on. While she changes I scroll on my phone replying to the endless messages. She returns and throws me an outfit. "What are you still doing in bed lazy" she jokes rolling her eyes

"Says the one who was snoring 5 minutes ago" I say, putting the clothes on

"I don't snore" she says

"Wanna bet" I pull out my phone and show her the photos and videos

"Fine but I don't know wether it's cute or creepy you have those"

"You look cute when you sleep I can't help it" I say as we walk downstairs. Both girls are in the livingroom with drinks.

"Morning ladies" Billie says before instantly leaving to the kitchen probably grabbing a glass of water. They both weakly reply with a good morning

"How did you sleep?" I say with a smile

"Not great there was a lot of noise last night" Zoe says

"We would ask how you slept but we know you didn't sleep" Izzy adds

I go bright red "Oh"

They both laugh at my embarrassment as Izzy says "I'll let you off because it was your birthday"

Billie walks back in with two waters and Zoe says "You might wanna take a test this morning bils" causing Billie to look at us confused.

"Actually by the noise it might be Y/N that's pregnant" Izzy says causing Zoe to laugh and agree

"Oh" Billie says almost exactly as I did as she sits next to me. "I'm very sorry"

"I'm going to order breakfast anyone else want in?" I say steering the conversation. They l agree and I pull up the menu from a local cafe. I order and then pass my phone around so that they can too. We then fall into natural conversation.

"So how was the party Y/N?" Zoe asks

"Really good thanks, I loved catching up with everyone"

"And she met Renee Rapp who's been her celebrity crush for like forever" Izzy rambles

I immediately side eye her to stop talking and place my hand on billies thigh "She's actually nothing compared to my girlfriend, who I happen to think is the hottest woman on earth"

"Hottest woman but not hottest person?" Billie says looking up at me

The doorbell rings saving me but as I get up I say "Ryan Reynolds exists don't push it babe"

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt