Chapter Six

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|1 month later|
      May, 23rd.

Things have been quite interesting in the office lately. After my encounter with Carter I've been extra professional with him. He has been extra flirty with me and sometimes I entertain him but I really just wanna get my work done and go home. Gei and Mitch come over every Saturday now , we explore parts of LA so I can get a feel of the area. We go for drinks, watch movies. Last week we went to the beach and I got a really bad sunburn. A bitch was in PAIN. But since I've been hanging with them I've never felt more alive!
           What I was supposed to accomplish in 6 months I killed in 2, So I just be doing busy work or whatever Carter assigns me for the day.

Hearing my door push open I turn my attention towards it

"Beautiful , I need you to go over this budget for our company party this Friday. Everything is bought I just need you to finalize the details" Carter said putting papers on my desk

"Got you, Did the balloon people get back to you? I see that area is blank so I'm assuming no" I said stressed because who throws an annual party last minute. Can't stand him.

"Yea they did get back to us, I think Gei has those numbers for you" he said grabbing my hand. Snatching it away I begin to log all these numbers in so I can get this over with and go back to watching my show.

"Don't be rude white, you know I gotta touch you if I'm near you" he smirked pulling up a chair next to me.

"You don't have to do a damn thing but your job. Touch me again I'm calling HR on ya ass" I said cracking up at his now hurt facial expression.

"You know i want you girl I don't know why you keep playing "

"Not playing, I'm just being professional. Unlike you who can't seem to stay away from me"

He leans his head on my shoulder. "Okay miss professional, I'm really not tryna hear that today. Just give me a chance"

Removing his head I turned fully facing him.
" 1 date Carter, 1 date then you can leave me Alo-" feeling my words getting choked up I turned to my trash can throwing up my whole breakfast. Carter rushed to my aid as he held my hair and rubbed my back

"It's okay mama let it out" he said genuinely concerned. After 5 minutes of throwing up  I eased up into my chair to grab my wipes.        
Embarrassment all over my face "I'm so sorry idk what just happened" Now I feel like crap and I just wanna cry because ewww right in front of my man who isn't my man is crazy.

He shook his head and kneeled in front of me "I'm sending you home okay, get rest and YOU let me know when you're ready to come back. Don't worry about the budget I'll make Gei do it" he laughed trying to lift my spirits but I was so in my head I barely heard him.

All I could manage to say is "Yea ima go, again I'm so sorry" hiding behind my hands I'm so embarrassed. He rubbed my back as I gathered my stuff off my desk.

"Im gonna come over later to check on you and before you can say anything I'm not taking no for an answer" he said kissing my forehead then leaving out my office.
All I could do was sit there. Why tf did I just throw up? My mind was racing so I decided to text Fred.

10 minutes later Gei burst into the room and rushed to my side. "My babyyyy what's wrongg, Carter told me you threw up. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner I was in a zoom" She said holding me and rubbing my back. I love this girl.

"It's okay fren I feel fine now, I did just throw up again like 2 minutes ago but Fred is almost here to take me home" I pouted and when I looked up she was pouting as well.

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