chapter 12: i gotchu didn't i?

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"the end." 

Billie ended our story with a flourish, and the Aetherion kids took turns bowing deeply in front of me.

It was the third day into our space trip in Harry's spaceship, Project Gem, and I had the pleasure of entertaining the Aetherion kids in the Rec Room while Edward and Jo strolled about the gardens. Being an aspiring writer, Willow suggested we tell a story about what could have happened if Harry and I accidentally triggered the glowing emerald gem to send me back in time... and it got last chapter sidetracked very chaotically, very fast. 

Popcorn-style storytelling can get really weird.

We didn't really know what might happen with the glowing green gem - we were still in our solar system - but a part of me did wish that I could turn back time and fix everything. The clams deserved better, Andy and Trident deserved better... even the stupid Sealiens deserved better.

My joints deserved better. 

"Aunt Millie, can we go to the rock gym?" Braxton pulled on my arm painfully.

"Yes, Braxton," I said through gritted teeth, gently extricating myself from his enthusiastic six year old self. For a kid who had years more experience with me as an old person, he sure forgot about my aching joints a lot.

"Gentle, Braxton!" Jacob chided.

I sighed and turned myself around, nodding to Willow in consent of her pushing me. I did not want to roll myself all the way down those long corridors to the elevators. There were far too many guards present for my wibbly-wobbly wheelchair driving to manage.

Did I mention my depth perception was weird now?

The kids and I traipsed through the hallway in a single-file line, nodding to the guards lining each doorway. I was impressed with how many guards Harry had managed to hire - and even more impressed that he got them all to wear full-white suits and helmets. Despite the air conditioning keeping the ship at a pleasant 69 degrees Fahrenheit (20.5 degrees Celsius, Harry kept saying), it had to get hot underneath all that armor.

And they were absolutely identical, too. I never did understand how they could tell each other apart. I figured it would make for a very easy heist if I ever needed the kids in guards' uniforms.

"Good morning, Ma'ams, Sirs!" The guard at the elevator spoke professionally. "To which floor do you wish to descend?"

I suppressed a giggle. Even months after waking and being treated like a sexagenarian, I was still amused by the respect I got. When I looked my age, it was all, "MARINO! DO I NEED TO CALL YOUR PARENTS!?" and "I WISH YOUR PARENTS WERE ALIVE SO I COULD TELL YOU HOW MUCH OF A DISAPPOINTMENT YOU ARE!" Now, I got "ma'am" and "Thank you so much for your sacrifice!"

Who knew an extended nap could earn me that much respect?

I realized the guard was still looking to me expectantly. "We're headed to the rock climbing gym. Sir." I scrunched my eyebrows. "'am?"

I looked at the kids, but they all looked as lost as I did. Three days, and we still didn't know how to address the guards.

"What's your name?" Jacob asked.

The guard shyly ducked their head and tapped their index fingers together a couple times in a gesture I recognized Andy doing back in our time at the Aetherion mansion.

"Awhhh, stahhhhhp," the guard said before straightening. "Sir! I am 0111 Narwhalz. Should you need anything, let me know! No one has asked for my name before you. Would you like to be best friends? I have the schematics to the entire ship as well as advice on how to improve it, down to the millimeter!"

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