chapter 6: wait no, they've drained the seas!

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A/N - enjoy the puppy pic <3

Two weeks.

It took two weeks to figure out a viable plan to stop the government's lake-and-pond-draining activities and save the clams from a fate worse than Manhattan clam chowder.

Unfortunately, it only took one week for the government to drain all the lakes, ponds, rivers, and other bodies of water besides the ocean, including our school's tiny pond. Only the swimming pools and rich people's ponds remained, as they were private property and the government had offered complete loan forgiveness in exchange for draining access. After that... well, a whole continent of people were still dependent on water, and other countries had actively closed their boarders and trade routes with us, so the government began to drain the seas.

I had never felt more thankful to be a high school dropout. 

I didn't want to imagine the ridiculous rumors flying around, or pretend like analyzing Moby Dick was going to help save the clams. I didn't intend on ever slaying a whale, much less finding a use for its blubber. I was definitely sure that a whale blubber donut would not be appetizing. 

Although we felt defeated, my measly band of clammitted peers (and stupid Squidward and Mushroom) did make a couple of good choices in the face of disaster. For one thing, we all agreed after that first night under the stars that modern day amenities were far superior to bugs and having to walk a whole 18 football fields while it was pitch black out.

Also, we were kicked off school property by the pond drainers.

Now, we spent our afternoons and evenings in Edward's mansion. 

Surprisingly, our biggest challenge was the bed situation.

There was only one bed.

Out of the six spare bedrooms in the North Wing of the mansion, the Aetherion family had apparently decided that only one of the rooms deserved a typical four-poster bed. It was the first room on the right when entering the guest's hallway, with all the typical guest room necessities - a desk, vanity, dresser, bed, and closet.

The other rooms, however... Maybe I should describe them for you.

I do need to reach 2k words, after all, and the ending doesn't leave much room for continuing.

Oh, sorry - let me put that wall back up for you. Boop!

One room looked as though I were flying. Dragonet models hung from the ceiling alongside the dragons from How to Train Your Dragon . The furniture was all carved and painted to resemble clouds, and where the bed would be was a "burrow" of pillows, blankets, and dragon/dragonet plushies. It looked absolutely magical, and I could've sworn I heard Andy whisper, "I'm the Sky Empress!" under her breath before claiming it for herself.

Another room was space-themed, as if we were on Starsong from the Starship saga. The furniture was relatively bland and modernistic, but the "bed," of course, couldn't just be a bed. Instead, it was a whole starship, complete with "shields" that closed the ship to become more of a pod than anything. Harry chose this room.

It took a few minutes for the group to guess which piece of furniture was which in the next room, because everything appeared to be a musical instrument of some sort. To this day, I'm still not sure what the triangle was supposed to be. The bed ended up being a plush piano in the center of the room, which was set up to resemble an orchestra. Sheepster chittered contentedly when viewing this room, and we let them have it.

Mapstromlick took a little longer to decide which would be their room, ultimately choosing one that nearly burst with live plants. I had no clue how they stayed alive, since they were all very real plants, but Moonshinex seemed very content to sleep in a hammock. I guess it reminded them of the currents in the sea? I could never tolerate sleeping in a bed like that. I needed something solidly in contact with the floor.

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