"psalmus LXVII"

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"why is it that ivy had to bite my ear off? out of all places, my ear." stephen complained as he winced while putting alcohol sanitizer on his wound.

"well, why is my sister possessed?" kero groaned.

"maybe 'cause this place is haunted. i mean, we are americans, but we're in texas right now!" elanore grumbled.

"you're right. we should sleep at the chapel. we'll get our mattresses and lay them in there." stephen suggested. kero and elanore nodded.

they brought out their bed mattresses and laid them in the chapel.

"much better. now, the next thing is to find out what demon is possessing ivy." stephen grinned. "and that means, both of you or one of you have to come with me to her." his grin faded into a sly smirk.

kero volunteered. elanore stayed in the chapel with her ipad.

kero and stephen walked to the kitchen room, with a bible, a cross, and a rosary. it was quiet. but when they stayed for a little too long..

"what are you doing here?!" the demon snarled. "do not talk to it," stephen whispered to kero.

"what is your name?!" stephen shouted.

"i will not tell you that, for i am not as __, as that __, steph!" the demon screamed. ivy's face was altered.

stephen grunted. he nodded and left the room with kero, leaving the demon in solitude.

stephen was praying in the chapel.

"In nómine Pátris, et Fílii, + et Spirítus Sancti. Amen," he said.
"Júdica Dómine nocéntes me; expúgna impugnántes me.
Confundántur et revereántur quaeréntes ánimam meam.
Avertántur retrórsum et confundántur, cogitántes míhi mála.
Fíant táamquam púlvis ante fáciem vénti: et Ángelus Dómini coárctans eos.
Fiat via illórum ténebrae, et lúbricum: et Ángelus Dómini pérsequens eos.
Quóniam grátis abscondérunt míhi intéritum láquei sui: supervácue exprobravérunt ánimam meam.
Véniat illi láqueus quem ignórat; et cáptio quam abscóndit, aprehéndat eum: et in láqueum cádat in ipsum.
Ánima áutem mea exsultábit in Dómino: et delectábitur super salutári suo. Glória Pátri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
Sícut érat in princípio et nunc et semper, et in saécula saéculórum. Amen." he sighed and stood up.

"hey, steph. you okay?" kero asked. stephen nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"is everyone ready to sleep?" stephen asks and everyone nods.
"okay, but can i tell you all something?" stephen said, his voice barely a whisper.

"so.. i found a journal. of.. a pope from the 18th century. his name is father william s. bowdern." stephen sighed.

kero raised his brow. "really?!" he exclaimed. "let's read this before sleeping," elanore says. stephen nods.

they read the diary. while elanore is sleeping, kero and stephen see a picture of someone being hung. "well.. this may be the end of him. but.. there are writings after the picture.. so the devil may have done this..?" stephen remarks. "and the name on here is.. beelzebub," kero sighs.

"how are we even going to exorcize him?! all the teachers took the holy things!" stephen groaned.

"In nómine Pátris, et Fílii, + et Spirítus Sancti. Amen." stephen said.

"are you praying in latin again?" kero asked, and stephen nodded.

"cruz sacra sit mihi lux, non draco sit mihi dux vade, retro satana. nuquame suade mihi vana sunt mala quae libas, ipse venena bibas." stephen sighed.

"this place has been a living hell ever since they left!" elanore said.

"ever?! this place has always been a livin' hell!" stephen groaned.

"shut up, you two! this isn't about our insane school! it's about the demon! now, shut up!" kero snapped.

"fine. but what the hell happened to ivy's face a while ago?! she looked paler, skinnier, and her eyes were red!" stephen said. kero shrugged.

"before we exorcize, we may take days of praying." stephen said.

"well, how much a day?" elanore asked. stephen gestured 3-5 in latin.

"in latin?! how is that going to help?!" kero said.

"do you want to free your sister or not?!" stephen's expression was turned into frustration.

"okay, it's settled! latin prayers everyday! now shut up!" elanore grumbled.

"this will be very strict. got it?" stephen said. kero and elanore nodded.

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