Chapter 28: Demonic Reveal

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Charlie was chatting with the others outside. Adam, Lute, Angel, and Vaggie were discussing how to wage war on heaven as aunt Rosie comforts Charlie on a bench while they were waiting outside for Lucifer. "It's okay dear, since the beginning of time, Heaven has never been understanding. You are the first one to prove them wrong by redeeming Sir Pentious! So don't be sad dear." Rosie reassures her as she pats her back. Tears started to form in Charlie's eyes as she hugged Rosie, "Thanks Rosie! But it's not that I'm sad about.. I'm just sad to learn that's what my grandfather thought about the plan even with Sir Pentious.." she admits, her expression falling. Rosie continues to smile as she rubs her hair while comforting her.. "It's alright now, let it out." she tells her in a comforting manner, letting Charlie cry on her shoulder. Vaggie was eyeing them worriedly, also concerned about Charlie but wanting to exact revenge first.

"So, I say that we blow this place up huh?" Angel suggests, pulling out one of Cherri's bombs. "Fuck yeah!" Adam immediately agrees, taking the bomb. "Oh this place is gonna be torn to fucking shreds that no one will even survive!" Lute follows, grabbing another bomb a little over-enthusiastically. Vaggie facepalms, "Adam, Lute, Angel, we are not going to blow heaven up. Especially under the supervision of all these winners and exterminators." she scolds them slightly, taking away the bombs in their hands. "Hey! Those are Cherri's bombs!" Angel complains. "I'll give it back once we're back in hell." she tells him off. "Buzzkill as always Vagatha." Lute remarks, leading to Vaggie's annoyance. "Shut up bitch! I let you live for a reason!" she snaps. "Ugh, I don't give a shit anyways. Where the fuck is Lucifer? I wanna get back." Adam complains loudly, crossing his arms. "Hmm, come to think of it... Charles! Where's your father?" Angel asks her, getting closer. Charlie wipes her tears, sniffling a bit. "I don't know.. I guess he's still inside." she replies. Rosie raises her eyebrow, "Was the Speaker Angel still inside?" she asks. "Probably." Angel says. Rosie glares at the doors, "Oh if that bastard does anything to him.." she mumbles, "Rosie, you seem pretty close to the Speaker Angel, how are you related?" Charlie asks, suddenly realizing something. "Oh! Back when I was still hanging out here, he was one of the only angels I was close to!" Rosie reveals, chuckling a bit. Lute looked a bit skeptical as she looks up and down at Rosie, "That's why you looked pretty familiar. I heard that you were one of the best exterminators back in day. Why did you quit?" she asks. "It's quite sickening really, I can't stand the sight of dead demons." she replies, grinning. "Rosie.. you area cannibal back in hell though?" Charlie wonders. "Well, I got tired of seeing the streets littered with bodies I guess, and as an exterminator, it would be weird if I suddenly ate demons even though they looked so delicious! So I chose to quit and go to hell for some time." Rosie explains, making Charlie and Lute nod in understanding though they were a bit weirded and grossed out.

"You were still the best back in the day, can't believe you fuckin quit." Adam remarks, feeling a bit left out of the conversation. "So you and Speaker Angel were friends? He must be quite ancient then.." Charlie comments. "Nuh uh, compared to me, that shitty guy's like a little fucking baby." Adam interrupts again, making the others stare at him. "You met him before?" Vaggie asks. "Yuh uh, met him in heaven when he newly arrived in the 1900's." he replies. Rosie nods in agreement. "Indeed, when we first met, it was like there was a spark between us that led us to become best friends." she adds. Charlie was quite surprised, "Kind of like you and Alastor?" she inquires. A bead of sweat drips down Rosie's cheek as Adam looks away. "Y-yes dear.. Like me and Al.." she replies hesitantly. Suddenly a loud crash was heard as one of the walls of the palace exploded from the inside, leaving a large hole in it. "Oh no, oh no. Ugh! Why must another person get hurt because of me?!" Lucifer was heard shouting. Charlie hurriedly slams opens the door to find her father carrying the wounded body of the Speaker Angel. The others stared on in stunned silence. Rosie immediately rushes to check the Speaker Angel's condition, extremely worried. "Oh dear, he's very injured! We'll have to take him back for now." she tells Lucifer who nods. "The portal's all the way across town!" Angel tells them, pointing really far away. "We'll just have to fly" Lucifer explains. "How the fuck do we fly? I mean- the princess can't fly, the meth-colored spider can't fly, fuck- even I can't because I fucking died!" Adam shouts at Lucifer, offended because he did lose his wings during his trip down to hell. "I'll carry you sir!" Lute readily tells him. "Oh well- fuck. We're gonna fly!" Adam suddenly changes his demeanor as Lute lifts him off the ground bridal-style. "Vaggie, if you could please carry Charlie for now, that would be great." Lucifer tells her, to which Vaggie nods and carries Charlie. "Yay! I haven't tried flying with you in a while!" Charlie exclaims excitedly. "Oh, and where the hell am I supposed to fly at? A fuckin magic carpet? Man, if only Husk were here.." Angel asks, exasperated. "I'll do you a favor dear, Alastor has been telling me all about you, so I wouldn't mind." Rosie suggests, a kind smile on her lips. "Oh well, okay!" Angel replies as Rosie picks him up without any problem.

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