Chapter 6: A Stupid Date

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Lucifer and Alastor decide to keep their relationship a secret for now. Later when they went out for breakfast, they both glared at Angel who sweats profusely. They threatened him by saying that if he ever revealed what he saw earlier, they would cook Fat Nuggets and make him eat it himself. Angel, felt very scared for his cute little pig's life at that moment and immediately agreed. Charlie who was overhearing everything from across the room was still confused about what was happening.


This was taken from Charlie's pov:

"Huh? Why is Angel suddenly like this? Cook Fat Nuggets? What for? Everything has been really weird ever since me and Angel played that prank earlier.." Charlie thinks to herself as she watches Alastor and her father bicker about what breakfast was going to be. Angel walks over to Charlie and sighs, holding Fat Nuggets in his bottom arms. "Angel, what was that about? I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in Alastor's room, why were they threatening you? Not to mention, they both agreed on something for once!" I told him in an intrigued and confused voice. "I don't think that ya' wanna know Charles." he sighs, "I can't tell you or else they'll cook Fat Nuggets! Can you believe that? They're both sadists!" he half-shouts as he hugs Fat Nuggets tighter, making it squeal. I look at him with even more confusion than before. "What had really happened that made Angel like this?"

A few minutes later Angel left to go chat with Husk, and I was sitting down in the lounge, waiting for Vaggie to come down. From the corner of my eye, I saw dad and Alastor going into the kitchen, still arguing about who should cook. I didn't pay much mind to it at first, but when they fully went into the kitchen, I couldn't hear them anymore. A few minutes pass and a loud slap was heard which made me jolt, even Husk at the bar had heard it and nearly dropped a glass. Footsteps were heard and Alastor walked out of the kitchen, stomping angrily and covering his face with his hands. I look at him in surprise before I saw dad also going out of the kitchen with a smug smile. I walk over to him, "Dad, what happened? Why is Alastor so angry?" I ask, "Oh don't worry about it apple seed, it's just a little argument." he grins.

Back to Alastor's pov:

"That bastard! Just because I said we were a thing last night, doesn't mean he can just suddenly touch me or kiss me! I told him earlier to never touch my tail when we're not in bed!" I thought to myself as I stomped angrily towards my room. It was annoying enough that he was so touchy at night, but I hate PDA.

As I reached out my hand to open the door, Charlie calls me over. "Wait Al! We haven't seen the winner of the contest yet!" I groan, my ears folding back as I grudgingly go back down the stairs. "Ah yes, their stupid little contest. How exciting.".

Charlie was waiting along with the other members at the bar. Husk was trying to find something in the cabinets. "Where is the damn thing, oh here it is." he pulls out a piece of paper with a name on it. He reads the name, "And the winner is.. Lucifer." he announces unenthusiastically. The others gasp in surprise. They didn't expect that Lucifer would be able to outdrink Angel. Lucifer looks at me and grins playfully as I glare back at him. It was enough having him spend the night in my room, I didn't expect him to want to ruin my day as well. He walks up to me and elbows me teasingly, "Well then, it seems like I'll have annoy you the entire day now." Charolie raises her eyebrow, "Did something happen between you two? You seem to be getting along better than usual.." "It's completely nothing darling, don't mind it." I reply, teeth gritted as I look at the smug Lucifer.

A few minutes later, I went up the stairs, Lucifer following from behind me. "Hey, should we consider this a date?" He asks me in a teasing tone. "It is, but it's NOT going to be romantic." I answered in a final tone. He walks away to his room with a defeated expression, "Ugh, again with his pity party. He's done it countless times with Charlie." I roll my eyes as I watch him walk away towards his side of the hotel. "Fine!" I call out after him, "Only a little bit." he looks back at me with renewed vigor and chuckles before leaving. I don't want any rumors about us dating going around for now.

Another Way for Me to Reach You ⟫ Lucifer x Alastorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें