♡・゚:* Loves in the Air*:・゚♡

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Reb_Rocks: Hey guys

Gay_Li: Hey girlie;)

Reb_Rocks: ELI!

Gay_Li: what?

Reb_Rocks: That is SO gay Eli XD

Gay_Li: lol ofc XD

Reb_Rocks: lol SLAY!

Gay_Li: Yaaaaas!

Mary-Me: you guys...

Reb_Rocks: Such a party pooper...

Mary-Me: GASP


Reb_Rocks: LMAO XD ELI

Gay_Li: hehe

Mary-ME: Guys...

Reb_Rocks: fine we'll get to class :(

Mary-Me: THANK U!

Reb_Rocks: Kay bye 

  ( Reb_Rocks went offline)

Rebekah ran to her class, worried she would be late (well not really, she was just worried her butt would be whooped.) Suddenly she bumped into somebody, 'Please don't be Lila, please don't be Lila, please don't be Lila, please don't be Lil-'" I'm so sorry!" Rebekah's mind paused to look up, and there she saw a pretty boy with brown hair and brown eyes. " I-it's ok...you didn't mean to" Rebekah felt herself getting red 'OMG HE IS SO CUTE HOW IS HE SO CUTE AHHHHHHHH!' she thought.

"Hello?" She snapped back to reality to see the boy still standing there confused. "AH-! Sorry, I-I know it's random but...what's your name?" The boy smiled at her and said:" My name is Michael Dander, nice to meet you!" Michael Dander...seems familiar...wait a minute-. Rebekah paused, then yelled, " YOU'RE MICHAEL DANDER!? I KNOW YOU FROM TECH CLASS!" Michael laughed, "Oh! Right, Eli told me about you! He and I are good friends!" Rebekah was ecstatic, her best friend was friends with HER crush, AMAZING!

"Anyways, I gotta get to class, I don't want Ms. Mocha whooping me! See ya later!" She watched him as he ran away into Ms. Mocha's room, Guess that's his homeroom...? She shrugged and walked to her homeroom herself, she was so late, wasn't she?

Twas it a bit short- YES!! same again creds to my friend!

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