Chapter 7 - Confronting the Jólasveinarnir!

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And so, the mission of infiltrating the Ogres' lair was initiated.

Both Stella and The Silver Knight are behind some bushes, seeing the first obstacle that they will have to bypass, Jólakötturinn. The giant Cat was loyally guarding the entrance of the cavern.

"Hey, dude. What's the plan?" Stella whispered.

"I have a tactic against Cat Monoke." The hero lifted his index finger, and from it, a faint yellow glow was emanating from it. "I just need to lead him away from the entrance."

He lifted his arm to the sky, and his finger absorbed some of the sunlight that irradiated it. With his forefinger now was fully glowing in white, which made Stella look the other side to not compromise her sight.

Then, the guard redirected this energy into a thin laser of light, which was targeted at the Cat's eyes initially. The Cat was justifiably upset by this mysterious attack on his eyes, but he was also curious. He searched on the source of this light, then he saw the rogue sunlight beam moving in circles on a random tree.

Jóla jumped at the tree, but the light wasn't there anymore. When he searched his surroundings, he saw it on a bush further away. Maybe if he was fast enough...

Aha! Got it! This pesky, bright dot was his now. Or was it...?

Just when he thought ha had won, he raised his massive paw to see the light and...


Then he saw the dot far away from him. Again.

This won't end this way. Jóla would catch this weird light no matter what! He didn't even know why he wanted that so badly, but it felt like when he went to hunt for his own food. The thrill of the hunt.

After Jólakötturinn was in a safe distance, the Knight turned off his "Fingerlight" (that is the actual name of the technique) and produced a round object the size of a tennis ball from his utility belt. 

He threw the object near the Cat, who noticed something hitting the ground near him, and went to investigate. 

Jóla found the tiny, spherical object, and found himself curious about it. He played with it a bit with his giant paw, carefully to not crush it, but nothing interesting happened.

Or so he thought, because suddenly a beeping noise came from the object, then a green cloud appeared from it. It quickly reached Jóla's nostrils, and it made one hell of an effect on him.

Jólakötturinn could see the world around him spin uncontrollably, which made the Cat lose his balance and fall to the ground. Though the weird part is, he wasn't feeling ill or any pain at all. He was feeling very relaxed, and he felt even better when he rolled on the ground and rubbed himself against a tree. He was in paradise.

The Knight and Stella looked from a distance. After seeing the cat playing with himself, the guard was relieved. "It worked!"

The Human was a bit confused, though. "What just happened?"

As on cue, the Knight put his hands on his hips and adopted his heroic voice again, though less louder than usual. "You see, Stella! I have used a timed bomb that was filled with gas that contained a special chemical compound that makes a feline Monoke like him completely relaxed!"

Stella finally seemed to understand. She even gave a mischievous grin. "So you made the Cat high as a kite."

The Knight seemed a bit thrown off-balance by the girl's remark. "A crude way to put it, but not inaccurate!"

The girl starts to chuckle, then turns to the giant Cat in the distance. "So, you have some extra on you? I sure as hell need some after yesterday."

The guard seemed even more uncomfortable with the current direction of this conversation. "L-Let's just go to the cave already, yeah?!"

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