Chapter 1 - Into the Woods.

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"I am really doing this."

Step by step, a young girl with dark skin walked through the open field. She welcomed the breeze greeting her skin. It would be a welcome relief before what comes next, if not for the unforgiving sun shining upon her with its scorching heat. She should have put the hoodie in her backpack, but no matter. She already was face to face with her goal.

"Sayama Forest. The locale of legends." She thought to herself. From what she had gathered over the years of people spreading rumors and old legends, anyone who would enter this place, never returned, because there was supposedly an unholy, mystical force that resided in those woods. That's the reason the law enforcement are so keen to let no one pass. Thank goodness it is currently their lunch break. Speaking of that, the girl suspiciously watched her surroundings, being sure that no one would catch her by surprise.

"None of those armored assholes. Great!"  She sighed with relief. Now she was mere centimeters away from her goal.

The girl is finally comfortable talking to herself, and puts a confident smile on her face while she points her finger towards the giant forest in confidence. "Prepare yourself! Because I will be the first to conquer you!" Her cocky grin quickly faltered when the sheer size of the forest was almost threatening to swallow her whole, even if she hadn't even entered it yet!

She gulped. "Well, let's hope."

And so, she took the first step into the great unknown that is the Sayama forest. It started relatively well. The woods were a bit intimidating to the child, but it has quite a fascinating and beautiful aspect to it, since she never had the opportunity to interact with nature in its most pure and undisturbed form. That, coupled with the strange feeling of accomplishment that she felt by venturing into such a forbidden place, the kid felt more and more motivated to keep pushing forward, even with the fear in the back of her mind.

However, this fear became more and more present, as the trees became higher, denser and more closely distributed to one another. Before she knew it, the girl was deep into darkness, as the sunlight could not break through the dense flora. As anyone can imagine, this made the not-so brave adventurer quite afraid. However, the child was prepared for this, and pulled out a flashlight from her backpack.

To relieve herself from the growing fear of the darkness that still filled her surroundings, and the sudden sounds that she could hear from time to time, probably due to the animals that lived here, the girl started to mutter to herself.

"Don't worry, Stella. Just walk through this forest and you will be a living legend!" "It's just your mind making things worse than they actually are..." "Just focus on-"

Her stomach suddenly started to growl. "That. Damn, I hadn't eaten in days." She carefully sat on the ground and put the flashlight close to her, illuminating the spot the young girl was sitting on. 

She searched for anything to eat, however...

"Why is it so hard to find-" She realized. "Oh no... Don't tell me..."

Well, as it turns out, Stella decided to put her snacks on the backpack for last. However, when she realized that it was almost time for the guards' lunch break, she panicked and went to the forest, forgetting about the food.

At first, it was shock. Then, anger came. Anger towards herself. How could she have forgotten something that important? Sure, she wasn't the smartest cookie in the jar, but THIS!

Stella completely ditched her fear for a moment and started to stomp the ground in frustration, while screaming to the high heavens.


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